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Caithness & North Sutherland

22 August 07
Jim Mather, Energy, Enterprise and Tourism Minister Met Local Business People

Minister for Enterprise, Energy and Tourism Jim Mather was in Caithness on 14 August 2007 to talk to local businesses and organisations about potential economic opportunities.

He visited marine electronics manufacturer Kongsberg Maritime Ltd and SubSea 7 who manufacture pipeline bundles and are seeking to diversify into the renewables sector. He then had a working lunch with a range of business people at the Captain�s Galley in Scrabster. He went on to visit the Environmental Research Institute in Thurso where he talked to a number of post graduate students undertaking research in environmental sciences and marine renewables.

Pictured: Jim Mather MSP (centre) with Sandy Cumming, chief executive of Highlands and Island Enterprise (HIE) and Carroll Buxton, area director of HIE Catihness and Sutherland, during the minister�s visit to Caithness.

Jim Mather At Scottish Executive   Scottish Cabinet