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Regeneration Index    

Caithness & North Sutherland

10 July 07
Partnership Announces Inward Investment Appointment
Roy Kirk has been appointed to the post of inward investment manager by the Caithness Regeneration Partnership.

Mr Kirk was selected by a panel made up of the three lead agencies in the partnership, Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), Highland Council and the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA). He will become a HIE employee. He takes on the post from his current position with Scottish Development International � the Scottish Executive�s inward investment and trade promotion arm.

Mr Kirk has over 20 years� experience with the Scottish Executive and during his time at the SDI led a team which negotiated Donald Trump�s commitment to apply for planning permission to develop a �1bn golf development near Aberdeen.

His specialist port folios have included rural economic diversification, food and drink, renewable energy and foreign direct investment in Scottish tourism. He has, in the past, worked closely with Manpower � a significant employer in Thurso.

Mr Kirk hails from Glasgow and currently lives outside Edinburgh. He and his wife Elizabeth have four grown-up children, and intend to live permanently in Caithness when he has settled into the job which he takes up in August. A keen climber and hillwalker Mr Kirk has reached the summit of Mt Kilimanjaro twice and recently returned from a climbing trip in South America.