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Regeneration Index    

Caithness & North Sutherland

Caithness Regeneration Partnership - Executive Board
A small group of senior executives will oversee delivery of the strategy and action plan, meeting on a quarterly basis. The Executive Board will be accountable for delivery of the strategy and comprises of Sandy Cumming (HIE), Alistair Dodds (Highland Council), John Farquhar (Nuclear Decommissioning Authority) and Greg Allan, Head Of Enterprise Strategy (Scottish Executive)

The Board has met formally three times this year, In February , March and June.

Key actions implemented to date include the appointment of an Inward Investment Executive, who takes up position in August, the ongoing recruitment of a Programme Co-ordinator and administration and support staff, the establishment of office premises for the Partnership Team in the Thurso area and the development of a website.

Members of the Board along with other partners are also involved in initiatives covering topics including marine energy, the establishment of a national nuclear archive, Dounreay site workforce transition planning and the development of spin-out businesses from the Dounreay site.

The next meeting of the Board is due to take place in August.

Senior Officers Group
The Senior Officers Group will be responsible for ensuring the work is implemented. They have the responsibility to commit resources on behalf of their organisations and be accountable for the implementation of agreed actions and projects within specific timescales. This team will reflect the core membership of the Executive Board and will also involve other key partners � such as UKAEA and the North Highland College as required.

Informal meetings have taken place between HIE Caithness and Sutherland, The Highland Council and the NDA to ensure that work is progressed and the first formal meeting of this group will take place shortly.