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Better Railway Index

North Line Index


A Better Railway for the North
Proposal for a Strategic Assessment Study of the Far North Railway
Corus Railway Infrastructure Services

5.0  Project Team

5.1 Team Structure


Railway Consultant
Howard Pack

Project Manager
Ian Watson

Market Assessment
Rita O'Neill

Infrastructure Design
Clive Roberts

Environmental Impact
Mark Pendry

Cost Consultant
Colin Godfrey

Transport Consultant
Martson Higginson

5.2  Key Personnel

Corus has assembled a team of the leading specialists in their fields to work on the study.

Howard Pack has extensive experience of railway operations gained through a career within railway operations management and operations planning. Howard will lead a small team responsible for the operational modelling of the various infrastructure scenarios. Howard has been responsible for a number of similar studies, where modelling has been crucial to determining the business case for infrastructure investment.

Ian Watson is a project manager located within Corus Railway Infrastructure Services� Glasgow office. Ian has extensive experience of the management of both design and implementation of major infrastructure projects in the U.K. and Australia.

Rita O�Neill is an experienced passenger transport analyst. Rita is a former Marketing and Retail Strategy Manager and Regional Director of Arriva Trains. Rita has done extensive studies on the viability of rural railways for the Countryside Agency.

Clive Roberts has been responsible for the development of railway infrastructure designs and proposals at all scheme stages from initial concept through to physical construction. His particular specialism is in bridge design, which is relevant to this proposal, but he also has extensive knowledge of the other railway design disciplines gained through personal experience and the management of multi-functional teams.

Mark Pendry heads Corus Railway Infrastructure Services� environmental consultancy team. He has extensive experience, including environmental appraisal for maintenance works and the preparation of Environmental Statements for new railways in the UK and Ireland.

Colin Godfrey is an experienced quantity surveyor with extensive knowledge of railway infrastructure costs. Colin has been closely involved with the development of Corus Railway Infrastructure Services� elemental estimating system �Elemest�, which has been employed successfully for several similar studies.

Martin Higginson
Martin has worked on rail, light rail, bus and integrated transport studies relating to station access, public transport interchanges, regional transport strategies, franchise replacement, service enhancements and route re-openings. He was previously Head of Public Transport at the Transport Research Laboratory, where he directed the �0.25m project to produce a new version of the Demand for Public Transport guidance manual. He is a UK representative on the UITP (International Public Transport Association) Economics Commission, for which he chaired the working group on The Financing of Public Transport Operations.

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