Working to improve childrens play facilities
WPACG is a registered Scottish Charity: No SCO31849
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
The following was discussed:
Apologies were given by Sandy and Alison Reid.
Mr Tait reported that he had had a response from Robert Sutherland, the Community Policeman, who had suggested we consider whether the fence round the play area should be constructed to a height of 1.5 metres. However, the Committee felt that the decided height of one metre was sufficient to meet the purpose for which it was intended and it was agreed to leave the height of the fence at one metre.
At the December meeting it had been decided to hold an open meeting to enable members of the public to come along to inspect the latest plans, including a diagram of the proposed Youth Shelter. The meeting had been advertised in the local press as being held this evening in the Assembly Rooms from 7pm - 8pm. Only one member of the public had visited and had been more than pleased with the plans and had no objection to the inclusion of a Youth Shelter within the play area. The Secretary reported that she had written to the planning authorities to find out if planning permission was needed for the Youth Shelter. She had included a photocopy of the proposed shelter and was waiting to hear from the planning department.
There being no other matters arising, the minutes of last meeting were agreed - proposed by Geraldine Durrand and seconded by Alick Reynolds.
The Treasurer handed round copies of her report.
The Chairman said that he had had a meeting that morning with Mr Whitelaw, the Area Manager of Highland Council. The meeting was held to discuss the possibility of Highland Council being able to make a donation to the Group from their Discretionary Budget. Mr Whitelaw had indicated that he had consulted with the local Councillors and agreement had been given for the Council to make a donation of £5,000 from their Discretionary Budget. Mr Whitelaw had indicated that it may be possible for Highland Council to increase this donation, depending on the expenditure needed to complete the project. The Treasurer said she had investigated the possibility of moving the bank account to a higher interest-bearing account. Her enquiries had shown that there was not a great difference between the interest paid on the account we presently hold and changing to another type of account. It was therefore decided to leave the account as it is for the moment.
The Chairman confirmed that he had had further discussions with Mr Jack of Caithness & Sutherland Enterprise who again confirmed that they would be happy to support this project through their Community Grants Scheme and in view of the overall cost, £20,000 would be a likely figure for their contribution.
The Chairman reported that during his discussion with Mr Whitelaw, Mr Whitelaw had said that the Group's application for the lease of the Bignold Park was proceeding in that it was hoped that, within the next few weeks, the necessary application would be made to the Scottish Executive and that an agreed peppercorn rent would be decided.
There was some confusion over what exactly had been submitted to the Scottish Executive - Mr Tait was not exactly clear on what Mr Whitelaw had meant.
Action: Secretary to write to Mr Whitelaw for clarification on what exactly had been requested from the Scottish Executive.
Mr Richard-Jones said that in order to comply with the Lottery conditions, it would be necessary for the Group to employ a solicitor to check title to the Bignold Park ground.
Mr Tait said he had specifically questioned Mr Whitelaw on this point and he confirmed that he had personally looked into this matter and that this would not present any problem to the proposed project.
Sabine Richards suggested that we set a deadline for the production of a lease - say 4 weeks, and if nothing had been heard by then, that Councillor Steven be asked to try and progress matters.
It was agreed that this course of action be followed.
Discretionary Fund - this item had been covered in the Treasurer's report at 4 above.
6. Lottery Application
Mr Richard-Jones had checked thoroughly, the contents of the Lottery booklet regarding property applications and had reached the conclusion that the recreation of a playground, came under the regulations concerning property.
It will be necessary to consult with an architect and it was agreed that Mr D Renwick of Wick be approached to prepare any necessary plans etc.
Action: Mr Richard-Jones to consult with Mr D Renwick to ask him to prepare an independent set of drawings, based on the equipment to be provided by Russell Leisure.
It would be necessary to prepare a feasibility study per the requirements in the Lottery Property Booklet. Professional estimates are required.
It will be necessary to prepare a cash flow to control the income and outgoings during the project.
It will also be necessary to employ a solicitor to deal with any legal matters which require checking and it was agreed that Mr Ewan Thoms of Young, Robertson & Co be asked to act for the group in checking any legalities.
Action: Mr Richard-Jones to make an appointment with Mr Thoms.
Mrs Sabine Richards said that she would like to have minuted, her appreciation and that of the rest of the Committee for all the hard work which had gone into the completion of the Lottery application.
The Chairman said that we would need a bank statement to include with the Lottery application and it was agreed that Mrs Coreen Campbell would provide this to Mr Tait.
Mr Richard-Jones said it would be preferable to have an analysis of the opinions gathered from the questionnaires which had been completed by parents and children. Mrs Elena Baikie said she had done some work on the analysis and hoped to get back to it as soon as possible.
Mrs Sabine Richards wondered if it would be possible to have an electrictricity supply connected to an area within the play park. She said it may then be possible to offer catering facilities within the play area, possibly by a catering establishment which already had an outlet in the town. This idea was considered and although the thinking was that this would be very expensive, it was decided to investigate this possibility. Consideration had of course to be given to the health and safety aspects here and the compliance with any European legislation which may apply.
Action: A quote to be obtained from the Hydro Board.
Mrs Sabine Richards wondered if we had heard any more from Protective Services Department concerning the rearranging/installation of equipment in the Green Road play area. Nothing had been heard.
Action: The secretary to write to Mr Niwa to find out if any progress had been made in the Green Road play park.
The date of the next meeting was agreed as 26 February 2002 at 7.30pm in the Mowat Room, Assembly Rooms Wick.
Liz Richard-Jones Secretary 17 January 2002
Approved .. Allan Tait [Chairman]