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About Ray Elf

Ray Elf, Born in Malta educated in Liverpool has been painting in various mediums for over 35 years.

Winner of the Shell Expo Awards in 1991, Ray has exhibited his work at the Church Gallery, Marble Arch, the Actors Institute, Barbican, his works have been shown in galleries and museums throughout Britain and his works hang in many privet and public galleries.

He has also done several charities including, The Children Holidays Funds, The Puffin pool in Dingwell, The Saint Anns Hospice.

Participated in many Mail Art projects including USA and Europe. He has designed Book Covers for Kuperard (London) Ltd., also Israel etc...

Also worked for several companies for Art and Design for Logos and Clubs though out the World Companies like Chen Enterprises Also Jungle Palace etc...

Ray also does computer art done work for several companies like's of Amigactive and Computer Zine etc...

Also done CD Covers for bands in Britain and Europe also poster designs and many other projects.

The List is endless if you would like to know more please don't hesitate to ask.

Ray now lives in the Highlands of Scotland in Morayshire.

'I hope you all enjoy the art I send in to the Caithness Web Site

Contact Details:
[email protected]

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All images (c) R. Elf