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Highland Bio-diversity

Biodiversity Index

Nature & Environment Index Page

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Biodiversity, short for 'biological diversity', is a relatively new word that has been coined to express the richness of nature or variety of life. It came into use after the UK government signed up to the Convention on Biological Diversity at the Earth Summit in Rio di Janeiro in 1992.  Local authorities and others are being encouraged to take local action to promote biodiversity, to compliment national action programmes.  The Caithness Biodiversity Action Plan is currently underway and Highland Council Ranger Service are running a series of events during national Biodiversity week which runs from 30th August to 8th September. The programme is as below and all activities are free.

For further information on the Caithness biodiversity plan contact Janet Bromham on Inverness (01463) 702274 or [email protected] for further information.

Date: Event:
Friday 30th August (Marina Finlayson, East Caithness Ranger) Batty About Bats! Latheronwheel Woodland A short bat talk, around a campfire, to find out more about these fascinating creatures before hunting in the woodland. A torch would be useful, meet Latheronwheel harbour, 10.15pm (allow 1.5 hours).
Saturday 31st August (Marina Finlayson, East Caithness Ranger) Caithness Countryside Volunteers - Lybster Path The volunteers will be clearing an overgrown path in Lybster - any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Meet Lybster Post Office at 10am.
Saturday 31st August (Mary Legg, Caithness Ranger) Seawatch 10.30am - Strathy Point, meet lighthouse carpark 2.00pm - Dunnet Bay, meet carpark by Ranger base 3.30pm - Gills Bay, meet large lay-by east of Gills ferry terminal
Sunday 1st September Seawatch 2.00pm - Lybster, meet harbour
Friday 6th September (Mary Legg, Caithness Ranger) Bat Watch - Dunnet Bay Meet 9.00pm, car park Castletown end of beach. Please bring torch and warm clothes.
Sunday 8th September (Mary Legg, Caithness Ranger) Fungi & Wild Foods, Dunnet Bay 10.30am, meet Ranger base, Dunnet Day. Tel 01847 821531 or e-mail [email protected] for details.


Highland communities pull out all the stops for Scottish Biodiversity Week
Community groups, organisations and Rangers are coming together in a series of events across the Highlands to celebrate Scottish Biodiversity Week, 31 August 8 September 2002.

Scottish Biodiversity Week is nine days of events and activities, organised by environmental and community groups, government agencies and individuals, which aims to raise awareness about Scotlands rich variety of animals, plants, fungi, microbes and the habitats in which they live. Over 100 events are planned across the country, ranging from guided walks, talks, interactive games
and exhibitions to fungal forays, tree and wildflower planting.  This is the second year the week has run nationally, and it coincides with the World Summit on Sustainable Development, which is being held in Johannesburg and will include a civic delegation from Scotland led by First Minister Jack McConnell.

Abriachan Forest Trust are encouraging people to 'bring on biodiversity' through drop-in activities including schools workshops to wood carving and bat box building. Fairburn Activity Centre are hosting a 'Fun in the Forest' event in the magnificent woodlands near Marybank. Rangers are holding guided walks and talks in Caithness, Assynt, Ross-shire and Lochaber.  On Saturday 7th from 10am, the Inverness & Nairn Community Biodiversity Action Plan will be launched at Abriachan Village Hall, Inverness-shire. There will be a short presentation on the plan, followed by a light lunch and walks through the woods with red squirrel expert, Ian Collier. Everyone is welcome.  Launched during biodiversity week, the booklet Biodiversity, Do a little change a lot in Inverness & Nairn highlights just a small representation of the biodiversity of the area. Actions are identified to help safeguard this precious resource, and they show that by working together, communities, schools, local businesses, agencies and authorities can make a difference to the biodiversity of Inverness & Nairn.

Throughout Sunday afternoon the woodlands surrounding the Fairburn Activity Centre will be a hive of activity, with guided walks led by tree expert John Miller to see Fairburn's amazing range of trees as well as pond dipping sessions run by Highland Council's enthusiastic ranger Martin Hind. There will also be the opportunity to join in with the volunteers from the British Trust for Conservation as they carry out work on the Fairburn pond.

Teas, coffees and home baking will be available all afternoon. Entry to the event is free but donations for the refreshments would be appreciated as all proceeds from the event will be going to the Highland Hospice. The event gets underway at 2.00pm and will finish at 5.00pm. For further information contact Ray Cameron at Fairburn Activity Centre.  For more information contact: Janet Bromham, Highland Biodiversity Officer on 01463 702274, e-mail: [email protected]

Monday 19th August - Friday 6th September, (Strathcarron IT Centre)
Scotland's Swarms Exhibition, Strathcarron
An exhibition on mini-beasts to coincide with a range of rural skills
workshops. Held in the IT Centre, The Station, Strathcarron.
Contact Kristine Mackenzie on 01520 722882 or e-mail [email protected]  for further details.
Tuesday 3rd September (Andy Summers, Assynt Ranger)
Wildlife & Crofting History of Assynt - Ranger-led walk, Clachtoll to Stoer Point Road, 11am - 4pm, meet Clachtoll beach car park, NC 039 273. 8km, mostly on paths but can be quite wet. Free. Tel. 01571 844654 for more details or  e-mail [email protected]
Wednesday 4th September (Janet Bromham, Highland Biodiversity Officer) Skye & Lochalsh Biodiversity Workshop - 10.30am - 4pm, Council Chambers,  Portree. An open workshop to start the biodiversity action planning process in Skye & Lochalsh. Lunch is provided, so contact Janet Bromham on 01463 702274 or [email protected]  to enable us to confirm numbers for catering purposes.
Friday 6th September (Marina Finlayson, East Caithness Ranger)  Rock Pool Rummage - Keiss Beach - Come and find out about meat eating predators and other life that live in the pools. Meet at 6.00pm at Keiss beach by Stain, kids under 8 must be accompanied by an adult.
Friday 6th September (Mary Legg, Caithness Ranger)
Bat Watch - Dunnet Bay Meet 9.00pm, car park Castletown end of beach
Friday 6th September (Martin Hind, Easter Ross Ranger) An evening stroll with the Bats in Alness - An illustrated talk followed by an after dark walk (please bring torches, children must be accompanied by a parent). Meet in the Averon Centre, Alness at 7.30pm. Booking essential, tel. 01463 731920 or leave name, phone number and number attending at the North Kessock Tourist Information Centre.
Friday 6th September (Katy Stirling, Inverness & Great Glen Ranger) Bat-tastic! Fort Augustus - 8 - 10pm. Meet for a short bat talk to find out more about these fascinating creatures before going outside to spot bats. Please bring a torch and wear warm clothes. A responsible adult must accompany all children. Entry by (free) tickets only, places limited. Please book at the Fort Augustus Service Point.
Saturday 7th September (Abriachan Forest Trust) Inverness & Nairn Community Biodiversity Action Plan Launch Morning - Launch, invited audience.1 - 3pm - Walks in Abriachan Woods, led by Ian Collier, Highland Red Squirrel Group and members of Abriachan Forest Trust, all welcome. There will be activities for families on offer throughout the weekend, to find out more and book contact AFT on 01463 861259.
Saturday 7th September (Ardnamurchan & Morvern Youth Music) Natural Rhythms at Sunart Launch - A special launch event for a project to help local children explore and discover the biodiversity in their area, gaining inspiration to compose their own music. Ardnamurchan High School, contact Sylvia Hehir at SNH on 01967 402432 or e-mail [email protected]  for details.
Saturday 7th September (Katy Stirling, Inverness & Great Glen Ranger) Batty about Bats! Inverness - 8 - 10pm. Meet for a short bat talk to find out more about these fascinating creatures before going outside to spot bats.
Please bring a torch and wear warm clothes. A responsible adult must accompany all children. Entry by (free) tickets only, places limited. Please book on 01463 724260.
Sunday 8th September (Mary Legg, Caithness Ranger) Fungi & Wild Foods, Dunnet Bay - 10.30am, meet Ranger base, Dunnet Day. Tel. 01847 821531 or e-mail [email protected]  for details.
Sunday 8th September (Ray Cameron, Fairburn Activity Centre) Fairburn Fun Day - Guided woodland walks, pond dipping & tidy-up, home baking, etc - all proceeds to charity. Fairburn Activity Centre, Marybank, Muir of Ord,  Ross-shire Tel. 01997 433397, e-mail [email protected]