The school in Stroma not only
provided the island's children with and excellent education but was more
or less the community centre. Entertainment was provided for all with
school plays, whist drives, dances and concerts including groups from
the mainland.
In 19 13 there were two teachers in the school, which was divided into
two teaching areas called the 'classroom' and the 'lowerend'. Miss Bain
taught the 'penny' and 'tuppenny' (infants) and Standard 1 and 2 in the
classroom. Mr James Taylor taught Standard 3,4,5 and 6 and EX6 in the
lowerend. EX6 received work to the equivalent of first year. After
the learning age of 14 years some children continued their education in
Wick High School. This often meant only the eldest of the family could
be sent because of the high cost of the 'digs'.
Most of the Stroma children who attended Wick High School were allowed
to skip the first year.
'Which indicated the high standard of education provided at the Stroma
Jessie Crowe
from 'Stroma' edited by Donald Young
(primary source)
Several of the island children who had gone on to secondary education in
Wick then went to college or university to become teachers or bank
The standard of education received in the Stroma school was excellent
and provided leavers with a good basis for further education. To receive
a secondary education islanders had to leave the island for the high
school in Wick, where they resided during term time.
However those who did not go on to further education but instead went
straight into work as e.g. a crofter or fisherman, survived very well
with the qualifications they had achieved in the Stroma school. From the
information I have gathered I can conclude that the islanders were well
educated on Stroma, but if they wished to receive a higher education the
island could not offer it and they would have to go to the mainland
The school on Stroma, it is
now used as a shed for shearing sheep!