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Family History



Looking For Answers?

Request From Canada about Caithness Picture
Unknown Family Group - Can Anyone Identify Them?

When my mother-in-law died about twenty years ago we found among her possessions a number of photographs including the one we are sending now. We have no idea who these people are but they may be relatives. Our only clue was the wee notice at the bottom that the photographer was Humphrey of Wick.
We know that there are photos by Humphrey on display at your museum and we wondered if this one is among the collection, with perhaps some identification.

My wife's father was one of the many Meiklejohns of Thurso just up the road from you. Her mother's grandfather was a Smith from Inverurie and he worked on the railway.

We have been working on this for some time, but since we are both in our eighties if we don't get it solved soon it will be academic!
Dell Egilson
[email protected]