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Family History


A Family Mystery
From Canada Comes a request for more information about this picture

The Seaforth Highlander on the far Left is Peter DUCHART of Wick. 
On the back is written "Peter Duchart, my Granny 60 Louisburgh St." 
We cannot identify anyone other than Peter.   Don't know who the Granny is.
Can any one assist with more information on this family or identify the people in the picture.  Replies initially to [email protected]

5 June 07
I was reading your email about the Ducharts of Wick. My mother in law now deceased was Jane Craig Duchart D.O.B 14/3/I913. She was one of 3 daughters born to Alexander and Jane Craig. Alexander's father was Peter Duchart. Jane's sister's were Charlotte and Harriet. I think they lived at 11 Vansittart St. on the corner of Bexley Terr. Alexander's first wife died young and he remarried and had another daughter I think her name was Gemma. I don't know if this is of any help to you as my mother in law past away in 2OO1 at the age of 88 and all the rest of her family has past on. I hope this will help you in your search if it's the same Ducharts. Regards Catherine Harper [email protected]

24 November 2004
I just did a search on my last name and this page came up. I am James Duchart from Belleville Ontario Canada
I now live in Brooklyn New York. My grandfather was also James Duchart and there was another one in the early First World War in Scotland.  I found him in Edinburgh castle in Scotland in a book I was reading when I was there. Most my family comes from Falkirk Scotland  And Glasgow and Motherwell. My father who is Alexander Duchart lives in Aventura Florida. We have checked on our family tree before And we have relatives also in Pittsburgh Penn.
James Duchart  [email protected]

21 November 04
I am responding to your website appeal for info on the family photograph sent in from Canada. Peter Duchart's mother, Helen Gunn, was my great-grandfather's first cousin. I have info on the family in my personal archives in Wick and happy to share it with your correspondent.
With best wishes,
Michael  Gunn
If anyone wishes to get more info contact [email protected] for contact details.

16 November 2004
Peter Duchart 60 Louisburgh St; My g,g,grandmother Rachael Farmer nee Robertson Died at 60 Louisburgh St in 1920 aged 77

Thomas Farmer

13 November 2004
Hallo I was updating my Fam Tree today and noticed a g.aunt had married Alex Duchart, whose parents were Peter Duchart and Harriet Gunn .  Alex had been married before to Jane Craig.
I do remember Ducharts visiting Wick in the late 1940s/50s from USA or Canada - they had relatives in Smith terrace I think.
small world
Freida Murray

3 February 2003
As coincidence would have it I was updating my Family History tonight and remembered seeing the Duchart name.
I have a record of a Donald Farmer, father Thomas Farmer, mother Margaret Anderson, marrying a Helen Duchart on the 20th of October 1882. Her father was a Peter Duchart, fisherman and her mother was a Harriet Gunn.
Don't know if this is the same family but it might help
Andy in Alness   [email protected]