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Family History


Can Anyone Identify The People In This Photo?
From John Mowatt, Australia 7 December 2003

The photo was one of several that were in an old shoe box when my grandmother died in 1960 in Sydney. My grandmother was Margaret Murray Mowat ms Bremner (b.1885 in Hempriggs). Until recently I thought that the subjects were John Alexander Sutherland, his wife Marjory Mowat (a g-aunt) and their two children Robert and Elizabeth but now I am having second thoughts and wonder whether the family is from my grandmother's Bremner side.

My research indicates that John Sutherland sometime during or after the Great War (1914-1918) as Marjory married John Nicholson in 1924 and bore him four children.

John Mowatt
[email protected]