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Family History



David More

From Graham Brodie 28 March 2005
It is a copy of a photograph of my great uncle DAVID MORE with an unknown friend. He was a private in the 2nd bn Seaforth Highlanders and was killed in action in the catastrophic attack on Maricourt during the battle of the Somme on 1st July 1916, aged 25 and shortly after this photograph was taken. There is no known grave but his memorial is at Thiepval, France. Some 20,000 men were killed and 40,000 wounded during the first few ours of the attack, numerically the worst military disaster ever to hit the British Army.

David More was born in Wick on 28.01.1890, son of David More, fisherman and Catherine More (nee Miller). The family lived at 29 Macrae Street, Wick. David's sister Catherine (Katie) More was my grandmother and married Henry Lyall in 1906.

I am currently exploring other branches of the More and Lyall families with a lot of help from some fellow members of the Caithness Family History Society.
Graham Brodie [email protected]