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Caithness News Bulletins September 2004

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The Economic Importance Of The Arts

The Economic Importance Of The Arts
A one-day Workshop for arts groups, practising artists and the business community.

Date: Tuesday 12th October 2004, 10.00am-4.30pm
Venue: Wick Youth Club, Lower Dunbar Street, Wick
Cost: FREE. Lunch provided.

This workshop on how the arts can make a contribution to the local economy is led by Professor Ian Brown, and is supported by Bryan Beattie, an advisor to the Scottish Executive on arts & culture -related issues. It will look at current issues affecting the arts in Caithness, and will draw on the recent work done by Professor Brown on �Revealing the Vision of Caithness�, a study into the local arts sector. Bryan Beattie will also outline current national policy issues as they affect the arts, and the role of the Scottish Executive in driving cultural development will be explored.

There will be an opportunity to consider how these relate to the future needs of the arts in Caithness, and how the local economy might derive benefit from artistic and cultural activity. The workshop aims to have a series of conclusions and recommendations to be used in the ongoing development of arts-based activity in Caithness. This is a unique opportunity to contribute to the development of economically-beneficial arts ideas. Places are strictly limited, so to book a place or for further information please contact  -
Email: [email protected]
Tel. 01847 805205