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Caithness News Bulletins September 2004

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Caithness rangers challenge young people to the cone zone

Over two dozen young people took The Highland Council�s annual �cone zone challenge� on Saturday 25 September 2004  at Dunnet Forest in Caithness.

A few of those who took up the challenge

Organised by the Caithness Rangers in the Council�s Planning and Development Service, the challenge attracted 9 teams of secondary school aged, boys and girls including the second Thurso scouts and Wick scouts and the St. Andrews Ambulance cadets and badgers.

The �cone zone� consisted of a series of six stations set in Dunnet Forest where the groups had to tackle a physical or mental challenge working as a team over a limited time period.

Mary Legg, Senior Countryside Caithness Ranger said: �The main aim of the challenge is to get young people out-of-doors and into the forest. At least 2 to 3 of the challenges had an environmental theme and this year there was an archaeological challenge where we asked the teams to select the time frame within which major archaeological events happened.�

�The Thurso Scout team won the morning session and Wick Scouts won the afternoon heats but the main object of the event is enjoyment and there was certainly plenty of laughter throughout the day.�