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Caithness News Bulletins September 2003

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New Wick Play Area Vandalised- Reward Offered

Equipment at the recently opened �100,000 children�s play park at the Bignold Park has been vandalised only eight weeks after the play park opened.

The toddlers� swings have been systematically vandalised over a period of weeks and at the weekend, a flagstone picnic table was smashed with a concrete block. All the toddlers� swings and the table have been removed for safety reasons.

Allan Tait, chairman of the Play Areas Community group said �The Play Areas Committee are angered and saddened by the ongoing acts of mindless vandalism at the Park. These vandals have denied our young children the fun of the swings because they are totally wrecked and require replacement. Now the picnic tables are being targeted. They are made from flagstone nearly two inches thick, so the force needed to shatter them is frightening. We fear for the rest of the play equipment.

We have reported the matter to the police, but they have very limited resources. So we are now appealing to parents and members of the public to report immediately any incidents of vandalism they witness to the police on Wick 603551.

The Committee has decided to offer a reward to anyone giving information to the police which results in the successful apprehension of the person or persons responsible for the damage to the swings and picnic table. We must put an end to this vandalism before it gets totally out of hand.

Opening Day 6 July 2003