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Caithness News Bulletins September 2003

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An independent survey carried out for The Highland Council has revealed that 78% of participants are satisfied with services provided by the council.  This shows an 11% improvement on the results from the last performance survey carried out for the Council.

The majority (86%) of participants stated that, overall, they found it easy to contact the Council.  The most commonly used methods of contact were the telephone and the Service Point Network.

A total of 1,400 people (20%) responded to the Annual Performance Survey carried out in June/July of this year. 

Councillor David Alston, Chairman of the Renewing Democracy and Community Planning Select Commmittee, said: �The views of the public, aired through the annual survey, are very important in highlighting where we can improve the way we deliver services.

�There have been some changes in the way that the public views the Council � opinions on some aspects have improved and opinions on others have worsened.  Over three quarters (78%) of participants stated that, overall, they were satisfied with services provided by the Council.  This has increased from 67% last year.  This is due in no small part to the hard work of Council staff in continuing to deliver a essential services across the Highland area.�