Environmental Research Institute
Free Seminar
Tuesday 18 September 2001

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Forthcoming seminar at the
 Environmental Research Institute (ERI)��.

Environmental Research Institute

�Dounreay particles�..the legacy and the challenge�
Dr. Guy Owen

Over the next 50 - 60 years some �4bn will be spent restoring the environment of Dounreay. This challenge includes many legacies of historical operations that are unique to Dounreay. One such legacy is contamination of the marine environment caused by accidental discharges of radioactive fragments and particles Around 30 years ago. Dr Owen, Dounreay�s head of Safety & Environment, will describe how UKAEA is responding to this challenging environmental issue.

5:00pm Tuesday 18 September

To be followed by wine and nibbles�..

All Welcome�!!

Castle Street, Thurso, Caithness, Scotland, KW14 7JD, U.K.

Tel: +44 (0)1847 889 589/1 FAX: +44 (0)1847 890 014