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Abseiling Down Wick Highest Chimney
13 October 2001

Anthony Nolan Bone Marrow Trust Web Site

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54 hardy folk in Caithness helped to raise �10,000 today for the Anthony Nolan Bone Marrow Marrow Trust.  From the youngest 11 year old Robert Spence from Auckengill right up to Grandmothers they climbed the stairs inside the Caithness General hospital chimney and abseiled down the outside.  All of the abseilers were being sponsored by friends and neighbours.  Many hospital staff of many grades took part.  The Anthony Nolan Trust in the UK run the worlds biggest Bone Marrow register with over 300,000 potential donors.  The Trust raises all of its own money and has no government help and pays for operations for people with leukemia and other bone related diseases.  The trust was set up in 1974.

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