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Caithness News Bulletins November 2004

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From NHS Highland 16 November 04
Hospital review gets under way - BBC 9 Nov 04
You may have read in the media recently that a national, independent group has been established to look at the future shape of the NHS in Scotland. In December, the �Kerr Group� will be travelling round the country, holding a series of regional meetings, at which they want to meet with the public and professionals and take their views to help them draw up a national framework to guide future decisions on vital services. A newsletter from the National Planning Team is enclosed, which gives you some further information.

The meetings are being led by the Scottish Executive but, as a Board area, we have been asked to host such a meeting. Highland�s meeting is to take place on Thursday, 2nd December 2004 from 7:00 � 9:00pm at the Drumossie Hotel, Old Perth Road, Inverness.

It is essential for Highland, as a community, that we take the opportunity to feed in to this national debate and decision making and, as such, I would encourage you, your staff, your family and friends to attend our meeting, if at all possible. Please feel free to copy the newsletter and distribute this is widely as possible. Alternatively, I can forward an electronic copy to you.

I appreciate that having a meeting in Inverness will pose problems to some. In order to increase representation from across Highland, we would be willing to provide transport from key locations if there was a demand for such. In order to arrange this, I would be grateful if you could contact Nicola Morrison on 01463 704941 or email [email protected]  no later than Wednesday, 24th November, indicating what transport requirements you / your community group have and we will make every effort to try and provide this.

Whilst the meeting is not being ticketed, the Scottish Executive is keen to receive a note of interest from those wishing to attend. Their address to do this is:

National Planning Team
Freepost Plus
Room GE16
St Andrew�s House
Regent Road

Or e-mail [email protected] 

If you are unable to attend the meeting on 2nd December, your comments are also welcome via the above channels.

Thank you for your interest and co-operation.