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Caithness News Bulletins November 2003

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Highland Council


The Highland Council�s second Tourism Seminar will be held in Inverness on Friday 5 December.  Last year the Council invited speakers from the tourism industry to air their views on how the Council�s services affected tourism businesses in the Highlands.  A number of issues were raised, such as public toilets, litter collection, road signs, waste collections at weekends, planning and roads maintenance  and waste recycling.

Councillor Duncan Allan, the Council spokesman for tourism said:  �I am keen to develop a dialogue between the tourist trade and the Council.  The Highland Council�s services have an enormous influence on tourism and we are doing our best to respond to suggestions from the industry.  That is why, following last year�s seminar, the Council established a Tourism Link Group to co-ordinate the various services within the Council whose activities affect tourism businesses and visitors to the Highlands.�

The programme this year will focus on some of the successful but perhaps less well known tourism related activities undertaken by the Council. 

Setting the scene will be Dr Alastair Durie, a lecturer in tourism at Stirling University.  Dr Durie will be looking at how tourism began in the Highlands and casting an eye to the future.  Recent changes in the legislation about where civil wedding ceremonies can be carried out, have provided opportunities for Highland businesses to cash in on the growing popularity of the Highlands as a wedding venue.  Ken MacAulay of Tulloch Castle Hotel in Dingwall will talk about his experiences in the wedding market.  Film and television work generates substantial amounts of money for the Highland economy and Trish Shorthouse, the Council�s Film Commissioner, will be telling the audience about her work and the tourism benefits it brings to the Highlands.

There are a few spaces left at this year�s event, which will be held in the Council Chamber, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness.  Any businesses who would like to attend should contact the Council�s Tourism Development Officer, Gordon Ireland on 01463 710729.