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Caithness News Bulletins May 2006

May 2006 April 2006

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Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 - Core Path Plan

The new legislation introduced by the Scottish Parliament in February 2005 requires Highland Council to draw up a core path plan to �provide the basic framework of routes sufficient for the purpose of giving the public reasonable access throughout their area.�

As a first step in the consultation process for the Caithness area the Council is holding a series of local drop-in sessions.  Please see the timetable displayed below.

The core path system will cater for all types of users � walkers, cyclists, horse-riders, canoeists, dog-walkers and people with limited mobility. The vision is that core paths will be the basic framework of paths giving access to open land, hills, woodland, inland water, and to wider path networks such as forest trails.

The Plan will also support other access initiatives that aim collectively to promote healthy lifestyles, use of public transport, safe routes to school, off road routes to work and to link settlements to the surrounding countryside.

If members of your household would like copies of the questionnaire or comment form please contact David Barclay, Access Officer, The Highland Council, 34A High Street, Wick. (Tel 01955 605858) or email [email protected].  You can also fill in the Caithness questionnaire on-line at

Caithness Core Path Planning Workshops

Date Time Location

21st April 2006 6-8pm Wick Library

22nd April 2006 10-1pm Wick Library

28th April 2006 6-8pm Thurso Library

29th April 2006 10-1pm Thurso Library

2nd May 2006 5-8pm Outdoor Bowling Hall, Lybster

4th May 2006 5-8pm Drill Hall, Castletown

9th May 2006 5-8pm John O�Groats Hall

11th May 2006 5-8pm Keiss Amenities Hall

16th May 2006 5-9pm Reay Golf Club

18th May 2006 6-9pm Britannia Hall, Dunnet

23rd May 2006 7-10pm Ross Institute, Halkirk

25th May 2006 5-8pm Heritage Centre, Dunbeath

30th May 2006 5-8pm Watten Hall

2nd June 2006 6-8pm Wick Library

3rd June 2006 10-1pm Wick Library

9th June 2006 6-8pm Thurso Library

10th June 2006 10-1pm Thurso Library