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Caithness News Bulletins May 2003

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Putting Play Work On The Map
I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to our Putting Playwork on the Map seminar in your area. This is a pilot project to promote Play and Playwork in four remote areas of the Highlands and Islands.

The Caithness seminar is to be held at Mount Pleasant Primary School, Thurso, on Saturday 24 May from 10am � 3pm.   The seminar includes guest speakers and �play� workshops for adults and children! The theme is Article 31 � The child�s right to play (and the adults right to play too!) I�ve included some further information to enlighten and entice you, but if you have any further questions about how it can benefit you please don�t hesitate to contact me.

If you or any Colleagues are able to attend please confirm your place. A free buffet Lunch will be provided, so it would be useful if I had an idea of the numbers attending. I shall be leaving for Thurso on Tuesday 20 May to get local children involved in the project at the after school clubs. Please contact me via the mobile number after this time.

For more details contact Ann Gillies mobile 07776 375645

Mount Pleasant Primary School, Thurso
Date and Times
Saturday 24 May 2003 10am � 3pm

The Putting Playwork on the Map Roadshow

The project aims to:
b Advocate and promote the �child�s right to play�
c Spread awareness of the links between play and the developmental needs of the child into adulthood
   e.g. Learning, health, physical activity, self esteem
b Spread awareness of and access to high quality training provision for playworkers
c Relate Playwork in the Highlands and the Islands to policy agenda at National and European levels
b Raise the profile of Playwork as a career

The aims will be realised by:
b Hosting a local exhibition and Saturday seminar on Play, Playwork and training, including practice from
  around the world. This will include Guest Speakers, workshops and a chance for local children to tell us
  what they think.
c Consulting with Children from the area in Out of School Clubs using �play� as a medium for consultancy.

A �Putting Playwork on the Map� pack will be produced after the last roadshow from everyone�s involvement in children�s activities, workshops and the seminars.

The project is:
Organised by SPRITO Scotland � the National Training Organisation for Playwork
With support from:
The International Play Association (IPA) Scotland Branch
The Out of School Care Federation (OOSCF)
The Childcare Partnerships in the Highlands and Islands Region
Funded by:
The Highlands and Islands Enterprise
The Scottish Executive

Naomi trained at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama. Since graduating in dramatic studies Naomi has gained professional experience as an actor, drama worker, youth worker, playleader, and artistic director for her own company (commissions welcome!). Naomi has vast experience of Playwork gained through her employment in after school clubs producing plays, pantomimes and reviews.
Drama Workshop
Naomi will offer an informal presentation and fun workshop using the medium of drama reflecting her belief that Playwork �rocks and rules�!

Brian is a trained artist and has been working with children for several years, developing and providing workshops for children and adults. Brian is currently the co-ordinator of the After School Club at Borders Women�s Aid in Jedburgh.
Artistic Workshop
Enjoy some hands-on experience of working with a variety of materials.

Niels is a multi-talented mature social education student from Denmark. Using traditional outdoor adventure techniques he creates a play environment that enhances practical life skills and develops self-esteem.
Adventure Workshop
Mix play with outdoor crafts to learn how to enjoy the great outdoors like a Scandinavian!

Joan is the Chair of IPA (International Play Association) Scotland. She is employed by SPRITO Scotland (the national training organisation for Playwork) as Play Development Officer. She also works as a College Lecturer, assessor and internal verifier for the Playwork SVQ Levels II and III.
She will be available all day to answer any questions and time allowing will make a short presentation on the theme of play.