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Caithness News Bulletins May 2003

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Royal Trust helps North Artist 9 May 03

On returning to Caithness after studying in Dundee, Wick artist RICHARD ARROWSMITH has been given a �1000 boost from the Prince's Scottish Youth Business Trust (PSYBT) in the form of a loan which has financed a equipment and a website to promote his work as he starts self employment.

The website at www.caithnessart.com  showcases the 23 year old professional artist and his work which includes a wide range of subjects from figure studies, wildlife and a large number of local scenes.

Richard Arrowsmith said; Since returning to Caithness after my BA Honours course at Duncan of Jordanstone Art College in Dundee I have gathered together a wide range of work and it is my desire to create artwork which pushes me on and has led me into this freelance business. Undertaking commissions as well as selling existing pieces. Landscapes painted in Arcylic and also in Oils is my passion, reflecting the individual character of my county.

A regular exhibitor at the annual Caithness Artists exhibition held  in late August Richard has sold work at each of the shows and has found the work of local scenes very popular. It is these scenes plus others as limited edition prints which Richard is selling through his website and at Caithness Craft Fayres each month as well a welcoming commissions.

A former pupil of Thurso High School, sixth year saw Mr Arrowsmith concentrate on Art which led to his place at college. Moving back North with partner Samantha Newlands to raise their daughter Caitlin (now 5) with another daughter, Loren, having just been born.

Of his decision to start in business Mr Arrowsmith commented; �There is a lot of responsibility when you have to make a living to support a young family but the time became right and you have to have belief in your own plans. The PSYBT has been tremendous in helping me to this stage and the support continues with my aftercare advisor, Jennifer Irvine.

Advisor Jennifer Irvine based at the Highland Council's development offices in Wick added; �We were impressed by Richard�s determination to make his business succeed and the response he has had already from his website is testiment to this. Each individual who approaches us for possible support is looked viewed by their own merits and the businesses we support are quite diverse so we don't discount anyone. Richard Arrowsmith is continuing to work as a graphic designer with North of Scotland Newspapers while he establishes himself; we see this as part of his plan and took this amongst  his criteria when offering support.

Richard Arrowsmith can be contacted on 01955 609364 or at [email protected]
Jennifer Irvine can be contacted on 01955 605858