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Caithness News Bulletins March 2005

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Mike O'Brien today announced the first members of the Civil Nuclear Police Authority (CNPA) which will take over responsibility for policing civil nuclear sites and nuclear materials from UKAEA on 1 April 2005.

The current UKAEA Constabulary, will transfer to the CNPA and will be renamed the Civil Nuclear Constabulary. The Constabulary's role in providing a specialised policing and guarding service for nuclear sites and materials will not change.

UK Energy Minister Mike O'Brien said:
"These appointments mark the culmination of a commitment given by the Government to separate the present UKAEA Constabulary from UKAEA and set it up under a statutory police authority.

"I am delighted to be announcing the membership of the CNPA today. The knowledge and experience each of the members will bring will make a vital contribution to the excellent and important work we expect the Authority to undertake. I am pleased to welcome them."

The Governments intention to create a Civil Nuclear Police Authority to take over responsibility of the policing of civil nuclear sites and nuclear materials from UKAEA was announced in July 2002 as part of the Managing the Nuclear Legacy White Paper (Cmnd 5552). The Energy Act 2004 provided the statutory power to complete this change.

The seven members of the CNPA are:
Mr Melvyn Smith (Chair)
Dame Elizabeth Neville
Mr (Robert) John McNeill
Mr Robert Armour
Dr John Crofts
Mr Trevor Farrington
Dr Roger Howsley

The Governments intention to create a Civil Nuclear Police Authority to take over responsibility of the policing of civil nuclear sites and nuclear materials from UKAEA was announced in July 2002 as part of the Managing the Nuclear Legacy White Paper (Cmnd 5552). The Energy Act 2004 provided the statutory power to complete this change.

The appointments of Melvyn Smith, Dame Elizabeth Neville and John McNeill have been made in accordance with the requirements of the Commissioner for Public Appointments. All appointments are made on merit and political activity plays no part in the selection process. However, in accordance with the original Nolan recommendations, there is a requirement for appointees' political activity (if any declared) to be made public. Melvyn Smith has declared that he has canvassed or helped at an election on behalf of the Labour Party. Dame Elizabeth Neville and John McNeill have not declared any political activity.

The appointments of Dr Roger Howsley, Mr Robert Armour, Dr John Crofts and Mr Trevor Farrington have been made on an ex-officio basis and were put forward by their employers.

Melvyn Smith is a Magistrate who has been a member of West Yorkshire Police Authority since 1994 and a member of the Association of Police Authorities since 1996. During this time he has held senior positions in both organisations. He is also Chair of the Redwood Group of Companies. He has been appointed for a period of four years and will receive �25000 a year.

Dame Elizabeth Neville retired as Chief Constable of Wiltshire Constabulary in September 2004. She is a non-Executive Director of the Serious Fraud Office, a Member of the Police Appeals Tribunal, a Complaints Assessor for the Driver and Vehicle Operator Group (DVO) and a Director of Ajay Shopfit Maintenance Ltd. She has been appointed for a period of three years and will receive �17500 a year.

John McNeill has held a range of senior management posts in the Scottish Prison Service (SPS) and is currently leading work on human rights and corporate risk prior to leaving the Service. Previously, he held senior posts in the Northern Ireland Prison Service and Non Governmental Organisations. He has recently been appointed to the Risk Management Authority of the Scottish Executive Justice Department. He has been appointed to the CNPA for a period of five years and will receive �10,000 a year.

Dr Roger Howsley is Director, Security, Safeguards and International Affairs, BNFL plc; Robert Armour is Company Secretary and General Counsel, British Energy Group plc; John Crofts is Director, Safety and Environment, United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority; Trevor Farrington is Site Executive for Personnel, Security and Public Relations, URENCO (Capenhurst) Ltd. They are being appointed to membership of the CNPA after being put forward by their companies, and will not receive a fee as members of the CNPA.

The composition of the police authority is intended to achieve a balanced membership containing a clear independent element, including the Chair, whilst retaining the expertise of the nuclear operators whose sites the Constabulary protects.

The CNPA will take over operational responsibility for the UKAEA Constabulary (which will be renamed the Civil Nuclear Constabulary) from 1 April 2005. Further details about the activities of the UKAEA Constabulary are available at www.ukaea.org.uk.