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Caithness News Bulletins March 2004

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Wallace Highland Gaelic Community Radio Award Winner Announced
A Gaelic student currently working towards a VQ in Local Radio Broadcasting at Moray Firth Media Trust has been announced as the winner of the Wallace Highland Gaelic Community Radio Competition for 2003.

Jaqui Yuill, of Inverness area is the winner of The Highland Council's Gaelic Community Radio Competition, which is supported by the Gaelic Media Service and Burn Stewart Distillers PLC, makers of the Wallace Liqueur.

The aim of the competition is to encourage radio groups to develop Gaelic programming within their broadcast schedules and encourage Gaelic speakers to participate in Community Radio.

Jacqui submitted an innovative programme targeted at younger radio listeners and received the award today at The Highland council's Education, Culture and Sport Committee by Depute Chairman, Councillor Neil Clark.

Presenting Jaqui with the first prize of �500 plus a replica Wallace broadsword (gifted to The Highland Council by the late Sandy Mackenzie of Wallace Liqueur Whisky), Councillor Clark congratulated Jaqui on her achievement and said: "I am delighted to see the award go to a Gaelic student, the Council is keen to encourage Gaelic speakers to get involved in community and local radio to increase the amount of Gaelic radio programming and create access to the language for the Gaelic community and Gaelic Learners through radio.''

Jacqui is also benefitting from the development of a Certificate in Local Radio Broadcasting developed through a partnership between The Highland Council, Moray Firth Radio and the Qualifications Organistation (CTS Associates, Dingwall).

The first of its kind in the award is being used as a mechanism for the development of community radio volunteers as well as those working in local commercial radio. Specially supported places are being offered on the VQ training scheme by The Highland Council for Gaelic speakers.

In competing for the Wallace Highland Gaelic Community Radio Competition, entrants are required to submit a tape of a 20 minute Gaelic programme which includes:
* a topic of the entrants own choice;
* an interesting and relevant title;
* a lively intro signature tune (maximum 1 minute);
* a short jingle or advertisement which either promotes the radio station or advertises a product or service
* an interview with an individual on a topical or fictitious subject which can be either humorous or informative (maximum 5 minutes);
* traditional and contemporary music (maximum 40% of programme time); and
...the balance of the programme will be made up of appropriate introductions to programme items and closing remarks.