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Caithness News Bulletins March 2004

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Direct Payments Scotland    
Direct Payments In Community Care - What are Direct Payments?

A Direct Payment is money paid by the local authority directly to a person who has been assessed as needing community care or housing support services.

Recipients can employ their own personal assistants or purchase a service from an agency when and how they want the service.

As of 1st June 2003 Local Authorities have a duty to offer direct payments to disabled people, including children with disabilities, who require community care services.

Learn more about Direct Payments, bring your questions and find out if this route could be suitable for your needs.

Thursday 18th March 2004 7.30pm
Nethercliffe Hotel, Louisburgh Street, Wick

Presentation by Elsie Normington
Direct Payments Scotland
Development Worker (North)

Elsie is a parent / carer of a young man with a learning disability and will talk about how Direct Payments works for her family.

Further information: (01463 731958)
[email protected]