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Caithness News Bulletins March 2004

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CAITHNESS CAREER CONVENTION Careers Scotland Employment Links


Caithness and Sutherland Pupils Make it in Scotland
The New Weigh Inn, Thurso - 16 March 2004
The Waterfront, Wick - 17 March 2004
 Links Hotel, Brora - 18 March 2004

Caithness and Sutherland Pupils Make it in Scotland
School pupils from across Caithness and Sutherland will find out more about how local businesses operate, as Careers Scotland brings the Make it in Scotland roadshow to The New Weigh Inn, Thurso, The Waterfront, Wick and the Links Hotel, Brora on 16, 17 and 18 March respectively.

The roadshow is part of a major enterprise initiative with young people and manufacturers across Scotland and aims to create and raise awareness of manufacturing in the 21st century. It will demonstrate that manufacturing has a strong future in Scotland to secondary pupils prior to them making their subject choices.

Make it in Scotland will give 475 S2 pupils from Thurso, Wick, Farr, Golspie, Dornoch and Kinlochbervie Secondary Schools, the chance to take part in a number of fun and enterprising activities that involve real manufacturing practices with local businesses on hand to answer their questions.

Careers Scotland has invited manufacturers to take part in the roadshows to challenge stereotypes in the sector. They will introduce areas of the industry that young people may not be aware of including research and development, design, production, prototyping, marketing and quality control. The activities will give young people a better understanding of the kinds of jobs and training available in the sector and the skills they need to learn.

Local employers taking part this year are: JGC Engineering & Technical Services, Glass Creations, Ashley Anne, Carmel Herbals, Subsea 7, MM Miller, along with Artfire from Lairg, Construction Industry Training Board, Caledonian Curry Company, James Watt College, Jim Hunter Music and Euro Forrest.

Last year, the roadshows attracted more than 55,000 pupils from 396 schools across Scotland.

Careers Scotland aims to enable people of all ages to maximise their career potential, to support employers and to improve the operation of the labour market. We can offer high quality guidance services, information resources and learning experiences and we offer employability services such as:

� Recruitment � assisting employers in filling vacancies for
  young people
� Information about the changing labour market
� Advice and assistance in accessing learning opportunities to 
  help employees acquire or upgrade skills
� Advice and guidance on personal career options and plans

Our web site www.careers-scotland.org.uk  provides round-the-clock access to advice and information and a network of Careers Scotland Centres operates across the Highlands and Islands.

The Careers Scotland Centre for Caithness & Sutherland is located at 2 Princes Street, Thurso KW14 7BQ Telephone: 01847 895310