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Caithness News Bulletins February 2003

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Caithness Junior Championships    

Wick Junior Badminton Championships 2003
Wick Junior Badminton club held their annual club championships in February and trophies were presented at their open night on 19th March�03 by Sam Campbell, who plays for the County team and is also the club coach.

Novice section: There was an entry of 16 boys and 7 girls in this section and their standard of play was very good considering the length of time they had been training. The games were played the best of 3 games to 7 and there were lots of good rallies and every point was fought very hard for with Ciaran Duffy & Louise Topping both getting treble titles.

Boys Singles was won by Ciaran Duffy after beating Michael Hill 7/2, 7/0 in the semi-finals and Hasheem Ahmed 7/2, 7/0 in the Final. Hasheem beat Martin Banks 7/6, 7/4 in the other semi-final and Michael then went on to take 3rd place beating Martin 4/7, 7/4, 7/6 in a nail biting match that could have gone any way as both boys fought really hard.

Girls Singles was won by Louise Topping who beat Aynslie Gillespie-Gunn 7/4, 7/1 in the semi�s and Nicola Fairweather 7/4, 7/1 in the final. Nicola had beaten Natalie MacKay 7/6, 7/1 in the other semi final. Natalie then went on to take 3rd place by winning 7/5, 7/0 from Aynlsey.

Doubles, this was again dominated by Ciaran Duffy and Louise Topping who along with their partners Mark Aitken and Natalie MacKay took the titles Ciaran And Mark beat Hasheem Ahmed and Michael Hill 7/1, 7/3 in the final and Louise and Natalie took their title by winning the round robin with 14 points and Zoe MacKenzie and Katrina O�Connor with10 points to take 2nd place

Mixed Doubles: Ciaran teamed up with school mate Louise to take this title by beating (again ) Michael and Aynsley 7/4, 7/3

Plate Competition.
Boys Singles was won by Craig McLeod beating Calum Risbridger 7/5, Doubles
Girls Singles Winner was Zoe MacKenzie with Katrina O�Connor R/Up
Boys Doubles winners Alan Hargrave/Peter Adamson R/Up Martin Banks/Gavin Sinclair
Mixed Doubles winners Mark Aitken/Katrina O�Connor R/Up Sean Munro/Eilish O�Connor
Under 13�s: There was an entry of 15 boys and 8 girls in this section and there are a lot of boys and girls who are of the same standard so every point was fought very hard for and again in this section Kris Hamilton took the 3 titles
Boys Singles: Kris Hamilton won the title from Marc Gunn 7/4, 7/0. Kris beat Graeme Clyne 7/0, 7/2 in the semis and Mark had beaten Andrew Cumming 7,/3, 7/0. Andrew then beat Graeme 7/2, 7/0 to take 3rd place
Girls Singles: This was won by Melissa Steven who beat Sarah Taylor 1/7, 7/4, 7/1. Melissa had beat Kerry MacKay 7/0, 7/1 in the semis and the upset of the day was when Sarah beat Amanda Sutherland 7/6, 7/2 in the other semi final.
Boys Doubles: This was another win for Kris who along with his singles opponent Marc beat Andrew Cumming and Jamie Durrand 7/6, 7/5 in a hard fought match with the younger boys not giving in and fighting all the way with some lovely rallies and net play.
Girls Doubles: This was another nail biting finish with the County Champions of Amanda and Kerry just managing to get the title from Melissa and Sarah 7/4, 6/7, 7/4.
Mixed Doubles: Kris and Amanda teamed up in this section to take the title by beating Marc and Kerry 7/5, 7/4.

Medal winners Iain Henderson, Lee Malcolm, Douglas Mackay & Kris Gove
Julie Miller, Fiona Sutherland
Under 15�s: There was an entry of 8 boys and as there were only 2 U15 girls in this section they played in the U17�s. This section was played 1 game to 21. .
Boys singles was won by Colin McKiddie who beat Thomas Sutherland 21/16 in the semis and Greg Cormack 21/12 in the final. Greg had beaten Roddy McKay 21/14 to get to the final. The upset in this section was when Greg beat Douglas Hill 21/18 in a nail biting 1st round match.
Boys Doubles: This was played on a round robin basis with Douglas Hill and Thomas Sutherland coming out on top with 33 points and Colin Miller and Mark McKay 2nd with 28 points

Boys Singles There was an entry of 8 boys in this section with Stephen Hill beating Craig Gunn in the Final 21/10. Stephen had beaten his doubles partner Andrew Falconer 21/14 in the semis and Craig Gunn beat Michael Duffy 21/12 in the other semi.
Boys Doubles This was also done on a round robin basis and Stephen Hill and Andrew Falconer came first with 44 points and Craig Gunn and Graeme Sinclair 2nd with 37 points

Girls Singles was won by Lorriane Sinclair who beat Donna Majilton 21/12 in the final. Lorraine beat Alana Stewart 21/8 in the 1st semi and Donna beat Caitlin Sutherland 21/18 in a long hard match with neither girl giving up until Donna got the last 3 winning points in the 2nd semi. Alana beat (a very tired) Caitlin 21/4 to take 4th place.
Girls Doubles Lorraine teamed up with Kelly Miller to win the round robin with 33 points with Jill MacKay and Alana Stewart 2nd with 27 points.

Mixed Doubles was also made up of U15�s & U17�s Stephen Hill and Lorraine Sinclair teamed up to beat Jacquelyn Groat and Craig Gunn 21/12 to give Stephen and Lorraine 3 titles each.

Plate Singles - Winner �Eddie Beattie R/Up Gary McDonald

Doubles � winners Eddie Beattie/Gary McDonald R/Up Scott Christie and Liam Sutherland
Overall Club Championship Shield winners were:
Boys Singles: Stephen Hill
Boys Doubles: Stephen Hill & Andrew Falconer
Girls singles: Lorraine Sinclair
Girls Doubles: Kelly Miller & Lorraine Sinclair
Mixed Doubles: Stephen Hill & Lorraine Sinclair
Wick Trophies Annual Trophy for Most Improved Boy & Girl
Douglas MacKay and Fiona Sutherland