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HIGHLAND COUNCIL First Council In Europe To Go All The Way On Internet Purchasing
Portree Primary School Sets the Standard for UK Internet Purchasing The Highland Council is pioneering a new method of purchasing using the internet, making it the first local authority in Europe to buy all its goods and services on-line.

The Council is the first organisation to sign up to e-Procurement Scotland - a Scottish Executive backed initiative introducing on-line buying across the entire public sector in Scotland. Arthur McCourt, Chief Executive of The Highland Council says: "I am delighted that The Highland Council is at the forefront of such a cutting-edge project which is set to transform relationships between public sector organisations and their suppliers. It shows that in this day and age, geographical location is not a barrier to technological progress."

"The innovative electronic techniques used will connect buyers and suppliers using the Internet in a quicker and more effective way than was previously possible, enabling efficient purchasing across the Highlands."

First Minister Jack McConnell will officially launch the new system on Monday, March 25, making the first electronic purchase in Europe at Portree Primary School on the Isle of Skye. The schools Head, John Finalyson, welcomes the introduction of cutting-edge technology to his school. He says: "e-Procurement Scotland will mean schools will be able to purchase books, stationery and art materials at the touch of a button and will ensure paperless ordering and less administration. It is easy to use and since it is accessed through the Internet browser, there are no technological barriers."

Portree Primary is the first Highland Council school to come on-line, and the plan is to roll out e-Procurement across the entire Council involving a wide number of locations, council services and a wide variety of suppliers. By 2005 it is envisaged that all Highland Council purchasing will be carried out electronically.  The service will not only provide significant benefits to buying organisations, but suppliers across Scotland will feel the impact. By embracing new technology, suppliers will be able to improve customer relations, reduce their internal costs and improve efficiency.

The educational supplier Novara has just signed up to the system, becoming the first electronic supplier of educational goods to the Scottish public sector.

Other Online suppliers step this way to sign up -
Hazel Young, Best Value Consultant (e-Procurement),
The Highland Council tel: (01463) 702027 fax: (01463) 702830 e-mail: [email protected]