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Caithness News Bulletins June 2005

June 2005 May 2005

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Crossroads (Caithness )Care Attendance Scheme  
Kaithness Kickers Line Dance For Crossroads Care Attendant Scheme
�Kaithness Kickers� held a 12 hour sponsored Marathon Line Dancing event in the Royal British Legion, Thurso, on Saturday in aid of Crossroads (Caithness) Care Attendant Scheme. They were supported by other line dancers throughout the day. Donations had been received from businesses and organisation in Thurso. Sponsorship money still has to be counted! Crossroads Management Committee served Cream Teas from 2 � 4 pm which raised �170 for the scheme.

The draw for the �NORDKAP� model boat built and donated by Mr Bob Thorne to Crossroads raised �300 and was won by Mr J Brims from MPA Engineering at Scrabster.

Crossroads (Caithness) would like to thank all who worked on the day to provide the teas, Johnstons (bakers) who donated scones, those who sold raffle tickets, sponsored the line dancers, gave donations and raffle prizes, all the line dancers and in particular Mrs Wilma Wade and Mrs Kay Bremner of �Kaithness Kickers� for organising this their 2nd event in aid of Crossroads (Caithness) Care Attendant Scheme.