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Caithness News Bulletins June 2005

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The Scottish Co-op Community Dividend Fund has contributed �500 as sponsorship of the International Massed Band Festival being organised by the Wick RBLS Pipe Band.  The three day Festival, which runs from Friday 10th June to Sunday 12th June will comprise nine pipe bands, including bands from Switzerland and Germany as well as bands from the Borders and Highlands & Islands. Events will be staged in Wick and John O�Groats.

David Richard-Jones, Caithness member of the Co-op Northern Area Committee recently presented the cheque for the �500 donation to John Bogle, Secretary of the Wick Pipe band, during their rehearsals for the festival.

Mr Bogle said �We are very grateful for the support from the Scottish Co-op Community Dividend Fund. Their generous contribution of �500 has helped cover the cost of organising this important event.  Over the years we have developed strong international links with pipe bands throughout Europe, and our Festival next week will further strengthen the ties with our fellow bands, both home and overseas.�

Mr Richard-Jones said �We are delighted to be able to help Wick Pipe Band mount yet another exciting international festival of pipe bands.  The Co-op Community Dividend Fund was created to support events of this type, where the whole community can benefit.  The International flavour is an added bonus for the local community, and we congratulate the Band for their ongoing commitment to the town and whole Caithness Community.  The Scottish Co-op wishes Wick Pipe Band continuing success at this and future events.�

Co-op customers who have a dividend card can choose to donate their �odd pence� from their Co-op dividend to the Community Dividend Awards Scheme.  The fund welcomes applications from all sections of the community and application forms are available from any Co-op stores.  Recent Caithness awards include Pulteneytown Parish Church, Wick Youth Club, Bower Busy Bees and Far North Sub Aqua Club.