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Caithness News Bulletins June 2005

June 2005 May 2005

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Caithness Horizons  

Caithness Horizons held another board meeting this week as the project gains momentum during this crucial time. New Directors Tina Wrighton and Paul Cariss were welcomed to their first Board meeting.

The project to redevelop Thurso Town Hall recently achieved a key milestone when the application for funding was submitted to the Heritage Lottery. The company is currently working towards obtaining all other funding in order to meet the capital costs. The critical decision on the Heritage Lottery application is expected in early September.

Alan McIvor At Thurso Museum Making an Inventory Of Items

The company is keen to raise the profile of the project within the local community, which has begun with a presentation to students at Thurso High School. Community briefings are also to be arranged and users of the Town Hall will be invited to attend.

Interpretation designers are in the process of talking to stakeholders and partners to finalise the interior exhibition design plans and issues such as sustainability are being explored, with the possible introduction of an environmentally friendly woodchip heating system.

Access, parking and townscape improvements are also being considered to make the new facility as visitor friendly as possible. There are also a presentations arranged to local organisations who are working with Caithness Horizons on the heritage benefits for the area.

Company Chairman, Roger Saxon said �As the project develops much time and thought needs to be given to ensure we get it right first time. This exciting project will benefit the local community as well as visitors to the area and involving the community in key decisions is vital to ensure the projects success�.

Town hall users will notice a new banner in the foyer, giving details of the project, a leaflet will be available shortly and the Caithness Horizons website is updated regularly to outline progress - http://www.caithnesshorizons.co.uk/