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Caithness News Bulletins June 2003

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Thurso FC      

Thurso FC  - North Caledonian League Winners
Following on from their successful season in the North Caledonian League which they won, along with the Morris Newton Cup and the Football Times Cup, Thurso FC swept the board with the awards at the Annual League Dinner.

Kevin Morris was joint top goalscorer (with Scott McKain of Dornoch FC) in the League with 16 goals from 18 games.

Michael Gray received Goalkeeper of the Year as well as overall League Player of the Year.

In addition, Thurso received the team award for having the best disciplinary record throughout the season.

Pictured (at the National Hotel, Dingwall) receiving the awards on behalf of the club are, from left
Jocky Begg (Thurso FC Committee Member)
Ian Shearer (E&M Engineering � Main Thurso FC Sponsor)
Willie Reid (E&M Engineering � Main Thurso FC Sponsor)
Sid Campbell (Thurso FC Secretary)
Duncan Gray (Thurso FC Manager)
Dennis Manson (Thurso FC Committee Member)