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Caithness News Bulletins June 2003

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Fifty one nursery classes across Highland will be affected by industrial action being taken on Wednesday and Thursday by nursery auxiliaries and assistants.

The Highland Council has been advised that 61 nursery assistants and 48 auxiliaries intend taking industrial action, which will result in 1,200 pupils losing a pre-school session on these days.

Classes affected on both days are:-
Caithness: Hillhead, Mount Pleasant, North and Pennyland Nurseries.
Sutherland: Bonar Bridge, Bonar Bridge Gaelic Medium, Brora, Dornoch, Gledfield, Helmsdale, Melvich, and Rosehall Nurseries.

Inverness: Cauldeen, Dalneigh, Duncan Forbes, Farr, Hilton, Lochardil, St. Joseph�s, Smithton and Tomnacross Nurseries.

Nairn: Rosebank Nursery.

Badenoch & Strathspey: Aviemore, Carrbridge (possibly closed on both dates), and Grantown on Spey Nurseries.

Lochaber: Arisaig, Ardgour, Ballachulish, Caol (open Wed 11th morning, closed in the the afternoon and closed Thurs 12th), Spean Bridge, St Brides, Inverlochy, Fort William RC English Medium, Fort William RC Gaelic Medium, Mallaig English Medium, Mallaig Gaelic Medium, and Upper Achintore Nurseries.

Skye & Lochalsh: Carbost, and Kyle Nurseries.
Ross & Cromarty: Conon Bridge, Coulhill, Craighill English Medium, Craighill Gaelic Medium, Hilton of Cadboll, Maryburgh, Milton, Obsdale, Tarbat Old (closed Wed 11th, open, Thurs 12th) Tarradale, Ullapool English Medium, Ullapool Gaelic Medium Nurseries.

Nurseries taking part in strike action but which are still open, as their staff to child ratio is upheld, include: Pulteneytown, Dingwall Gaelic Medium and Dingwall English Medium, Park, Central English Medium, Auchtertyre, Kinmylies and Kirhill.

These closures represent 40% of all Highland Council�s 152 nurseries