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Caithness News Bulletins June 2003

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This week 7,000 individuals throughout the Highlands, chosen at random from the edited electoral roll, will be asked to help the council plan for better delivery of services in the region.

They will be receiving copies of The Highland Council�s �Performance Survey 2003�, which invites them to complete and return a questionnaire on Council services.

Councillor David Alston, Chairman of the Council�s Renewing Democracy and Community Planning Select Committee said: "This is the third year running that a survey of this scale has been carried out by The Council.  In previous years the results have been used to inform Council policy in a number of areas. This year we hope to achieve a greater response rate than last year�s 20%.

"The Council delivers essential daily services such as education, housing, community care and children�s services to more than 200,000 people across an area of 26,500 sq km. Many of the people receiving a survey may never have expressed their views about the Council before � this is their chance. It is important that as many people as possible respond to the questionnaire so that the results reflect the widest possible views of the people of the Highlands.�

This year, the Council�s Performance Survey has a special focus on the review of the Highland Community Plan.  It is hoped to get the views of Highland residents on what people value about living in Highland and what would make it a better place for them and their families. The results will inform how a number of public organisations in Highland, including the police, fire and health services work together with the Council to provide services to local communities.  There is also a section on voting in local elections, following on from the May 2003 elections, and looking forward to what would encourage greater involvement in the democratic process.

All replies to the Performance Survey 2003 are strictly confidential and the survey is being conducted independently of the council, by MVA.  As an added incentive completed questionnaires will be entered into a prize draw to win �50 worth of vouchers for local leisure facilities of the winner�s choice. 

Results of the survey should be known by late August, and will be available in Service Points, the local press and via the council�s website (http://www.highland.gov.uk).