Partners In Change

Get your ideas about health services heard

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It�s about getting involved in YOUR Health Service

Tuesday 24th July 2001 between 2pm and 5pm
Caithness General Hospital, Conference Room

Finding Out ������� 

        What helps people in Highland stay well? 

        How do people in Highland have a say about health and health services? 

What would make it easier for people to explain to their GP or other staff what they want, or to feel confident about asking questions?

        What groups are there in your area for people with particular health problems?  How are they getting on?

        Do you have ideas about how to give people better support? 

        How do you know if people are LISTENING?

        What is important to YOU

        What would make things easier for you to have your say, get involved, make things happen?

       YOUR Views and Experiences Matter!

Come to Caithness General Hospital, Conference Room

On   Tuesday 24th July 2001 between 2pm and 5pm

 Join us for tea and a chat! 


It�s about getting involved in YOUR Health Service and looking after YOURSELF

 Partners in Change is a Scotland-wide project, to help the health services get better at involving patients and relatives.

The Finding Out Week in Highland is supported by Highland Health Board, the health services in Highland and other local organisations.

People from local areas across Highland are working alongside members of the Partners in Change team, to help us meet as many people as possible.

    We can meet people in the groups they go to � lunch clubs, day centres, support group meetings.

        We can meet a few people in someone�s house.

    Or you can come along to the open meeting for tea and a chat.

  If you would like the team to meet you, please let the local contact know:

* details of local contact

On Friday 10th August the ideas from all the local areas will feed into a big meeting in Inverness, to start planning what happens next. For more information about the Gathering, contact:

        Michelle Davitt at Partners in change: 0131 538 7717 or [email protected]