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Caithness News Bulletins July 2006

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Highland Council
Public to be Consulted over Proposed Taxi Increases
The Highland Council is to ask the public for their views on plans to increase taxi fares later in the year. The public have until Friday 4 August to make representations, which will be considered by the Transport, Environmental and Community Services Committee on Thursday 17 August. The proposed date for implementation of the increased fares is Monday 4 September.

The proposed fares are as follows: -

Tariff 1 (the normal rate which applies to taxi and private hire cars fitted with a taximeter): - �2.50 for the first 960 yards, plus 10p for each additional 160 yards. This has the general effect of setting the price of a hire at �3 for the first mile, plus �1.10 per mile thereafter;

Tariff 2 (the higher rate that applies on 2 January as well as between midnight and 8 am on any day, all day on Sunday and when five or more passengers are being carried at any time of any day or night in a people carrier or by a converted minibus):- �3 for the first 672 yards and 10p per each additional 112 yards. This has the general effect of setting the price of a hire at �4 for the first mile, plus �1.60 thereafter.

Tariff 3 (the special rate applies on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year~s Day and when five or more passengers are being carried between midnight and 8 am and all day on Sunday in a people carrier or by a minibus):- �3.60 for the first 516 yards and 10p for each additional 86 yards. This has the general effect of setting the price of a hire at �5.10 for the first mile, plus �2.05 per mile thereafter.

In addition, provision has been made for a supplementary booking charge of up to a maximum of �6.50 to compensate for the cost of the outward journey for hires which commence 3 miles or more away from the taxi or taxi base (whichever is the nearer) and the customer wishes to travel further away. This charge may only be demanded if the customer is informed of the amount of the charge at the time of booking.

When a taxi (or a private hire car fitted with a taxi meter) is called but not used, a charge shall be allowed as if it had been occupied from the time it left the stance or garage.

A maximum of �60.00 is payable by an offending passenger, where a vehicle requires to be removed from service for cleaning in order for it to be restored to a usable state and condition.

There are 980 licensed taxi drivers in the Highlands and 565 taxi operator licences. There are also 140 private hire drivers and 111 Private Hire operators.

Representations should be made by Friday 4 August to the Director of Corporate Services, Council Headquarters, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness IV3 5NX.