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Caithness News Bulletins July 2005

July 2005 June 2005

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Local Family Plan To Raise Funds For Specialised Bed
Audrey who works at the SSPCA has sister Elaine, who has been diagnosed with cancer and has been paralysed as a result of tumours on her spine. She now requires a specialised bed which can convert into a chair. It is her wish to try to fund raise to buy another specialised bed for the Caithness General Hospital in Wick, which costs over �3500. They plan to have a charity auction during August, as part of  fund raising efforts.   If anyone would like to donate anything towards the appeal they can donate items tol be on display in the window of Sinclairs Shoe shop in Thurso, for the week prior to the auction.

A Supper dance in aid of Elaines Bed Appeal
It is to be held on 9th September 2005 in The Royal British Legion, Thurso at 7.30pm. Tickets are �10.00 each which includes homemade soup, sandwiches and sweets and Music BY Kate Bain Band. Tickets available from Sheila and Frank Sinclair Tel 01847821374.