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Caithness News Bulletins July 2004

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Johnson Controls MX Beach Race 2004            See All The Pictures At John Baikie's Web Site

The 2004 beach race held on Thurso beach was a great success with entries from as far as Fraserburgh. The racing started at 3:30 after all the hard work carried out by the Caithness MX Club and friends forming the track with Geddes and John Anderson�s JCB�s.

The afternoon�s events consisted of 4 junior races and 4 senior races and with Caithness FM, the tide and sun out and a barbecue in attendance every one was in good spirits.

Kyle Mackie on his 125cc Yamaha dominated the senior races with Glen Bruce and Richard Macadie in close second. The crowds on the esplanade were treated to high flying from some of the seniors launching themselves off the sand jumps and pulling �wheelies� down the straight at the water�s edge.

The junior races were every bit as exiting as the adult races with some nail biting finishes for 6th position between Danny Mackenzie and Dagan Mackay. William Mackenzie consistently won all the junior races with Scott Maxwell racking up 4-second places.

The sun stayed out for the trophy presentation carried out by Stephen Lucas from Johnson Controls Ltd.

Senior Results:
1st Kyle Makie
2nd Richard Macadie & Glen Bruce
3rd Mathew Mackay

Junior Results
1st William Mackenzie
2nd Scott Maxwell
3rd Jake Anderson
4th Andrew Williamson
5th Ryan Reid
6th Danny Mackenzie