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Caithness News Bulletins July 2004

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Sutherland Pages      
A childcare centre in Bettyhill, Farr Edge, has secured funding enabling it to undertake a three month trial to establish demand for increased opening hours.

Assistance of �3,250 from the European-funded Community Economic Development (CED) programme, which is managed by Caithness and Sutherland Enterprise (CASE), has resulted in the centre extending its opening hours from 14 per week to 35.

Gillian Unger, chairperson of Farr Edge 2000, said: "As a result of the CED funding, and support from the Childcare Partnership, the services of the Farr Edge have been expanded to encompass proper childcare facilities for working parents.  The extension of hours pilot is already showing signs of being successful and the number of children coming to the childcare centre has increased.  We also hope to be able to expand further in terms of our client group.

"All of this will hopefully improve the already positive image of Farr Edge and develop its role as a serious childcare facility serving the needs of the community in a work and leisure context and allow us to seek and secure funding in the future."

Anna MacConnell, CED development manager at CASE, said: "Farr Edge has always provided a good service. The aim of the CED Programme is to help communities develop economically.  We are happy to have been able to provide an opportunity to trial an extended service aimed more specifically at working parents, making it easier for them to go out to work or train for employment knowing that their children are being professionally cared for."

anyone wishing further information is welcome to visit the Hut in Bettyhill or call them on 01641 521848.