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July 2002 Index Caithness.org News 2002 Index

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July 2002


An innovative programme to help some of Scotland's most far-flung communities is set to continue for the foreseeable future.

Targeting eight of the most remote and fragile areas of the Highlands and Islands, Iomairt aig an Oir (Initiative at the Edge) was set up in 1998 by the then Scottish Office as a pilot programme to put communities in the driving seat for the development of their areas, and to ensure that agencies worked closely with them and each other in helping realise the communities' priorities.

IaaO is supported by the Scottish Executive, the Highlands and Islands Enterprise network (HIE), local authorities, Communities Scotland, the Crofters Commission and Scottish Natural Heritage. Its eight pilot areas are Ardnamurchan; North Sutherland; Colonsay; Westray and Papa Westray; Uig and Bernera; the Bays of Harris; Lochboisdale, and Eriskay.

The Initiative's initial pilot period had been due to expire at the end of May 2003. Now, however, the Initiative's partner agencies have agreed to continue supporting IaaO as a mainstream element of the development effort for these, and other, remote and disadvantaged communities.

Deputy minister for enterprise, transport and lifelong learning, Lewis MacDonald MSP, who chairs the initiative's National Steering Group, has written to the local community development groups in the eight IaaO areas confirming the partners' decision.

Rory Dutton, interim national co-ordinator of Iomairt aig an Oir said: "The specific difficulties faced by the eight pilot areas were always seen as presenting long-term challenges which would need much more than a quick fix.

"This statement of renewed commitment from the partner agencies will enable us not only to consolidate and continue progress in the original areas, but also to plan how and when we might roll forward the Initiative into new locations."

Community development groups and dedicated local development officers play a key role in the initiative's approach, and are supported in their work by public agencies at both local and national level.
Through a mix of development planning, lobbying, development funding and new project delivery, the local groups and development officers are making a difference to their areas as well as building confidence locally in the communities' ability to determine their own future.