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Caithness News Bulletins January 2005

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  Thurso British Legion  

Thurso Branch Of British Legion Fund Raiser For Tsunami Disaster
The Royal British Legion in Thurso is undertaking various activities over the next month to raise funds for the Asian Disaster Appeal www.dec.org.uk  

On Friday the 21st January at the Legion Club in Thurso we are holding a prize bingo with all profits going towards the cause admission �1

On Friday the 4th February at the Legion Club in Thurso we are holding a 60s, 70s, & 80s School Disco Revival for all adults 18 or over, tickets �5 available from the club.

We are also organising a raffle with a first prize of TWO TICKETS TO BRYAN ADAMS at the SECC on Saturday 14th May plus various other prizes which will be advertised. The draw will take place at the School Disco Revival on the 4th February.

We are also digging out the normally  annually used poppy tins and issuing them round the local shops in Thurso in the hope they can garner local support in places that want to help but maybe do not have the time and facilities to organise something special or specific. They will be in the shops until 1st February.

At the Thurso Legion Hogmanay dance we ran a raffle and were surprised at the effort made and the willingness to donate by all our members. They raised �440.

January is generally not the best time to be fund raising with the Christmas credit card bill arriving but we feel that the public reaction to this tragic situation is so strong that we can help make a difference and we are open to assistance and suggestions from others.

Please contact Mr Lyonel Sutherland or Graeme McDonald at the club for any further information or assistance.