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Caithness News Bulletins January 2005

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21 January 05

The Highland Council is organising a Highland-wide day of school fundraising for the Tsunami Disaster Appeal - and is inviting other Council employees and local businesses to join them.

Wednesday 9th February has been designated as Big Heart Day Highland when every class in every school across the Highlands (220 schools) will be given the challenge of raising an average donation of �1 per pupil towards the Appeal.

Bruce Robertson, Director of The Highland Council's Education, Culture and Sport Service, revealed the initiative at the Education, Culture and Sport Committee on Thursday (20 January 2005).

He said: "How the potential 33,000 pupils reach their targets will tap into their inventiveness and we are asking that schools take a lead and consider the most appropriate means, locally, to raise the cash. A variety of sponsored activities will be considered. As a special incentive, we are suggesting that, whenever a school reaches its Big Heart Day Highland target of an average of �1 raised per pupil on the register, pupils will be given a unique opportunity to decorate a member of the school staff.

"Staff rooms across the Highlands are being asked to consider a volunteer member of the teaching staff to be ~decorated~ and this could take the form of everything from a face painting session to a spell in the stocks! Big Heart Day Highland is all about having fun for a very worthy cause and if any adults want to get involved and help the schools in the Highlands reach their targets, the Council invites businesses and organisations to organise a Big Heart Day at work."

Organisers of workplace Big Heart Day Highland events are asked to send cheques made payable to the ~DEC Tsunami Earthquake Appeal~ to their local school.

Mr Robertson said: "If every class in every school in the Highlands joins in the fun, Big Heart Day Highland will generate thousands of pounds and thousands of smiles."