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Caithness News Bulletins January 2003

January 2003 Caithness.org News 2002

Dec 2002

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New taxi fares will come into effect throughout the Highlands from 3 February. Following consultation with the trade, it has been agreed that a �1.80 initial fare on tariff 1 be introduced and increases across the board be set at 10%. It has also been agreed that a soiling charge of �50 be introduced as compensation to a driver when a passenger causes the vehicle to be put off the road for cleaning.

The tariffs are as follows: -
Tariff 1 (the normal rate which applies to taxi and private hire cars fitted with a taximeter): - 1 mile, �2.40 (existing charge �2.10); 2 miles, �3.40 (�3); 3 miles, �4.50 (�4); 4 miles, �5.50 (�4.90); 5 miles, �6.60 (�5.90); 10 miles, �11.80 (�10.60); 15 miles, �17.10 (�15.30); 30 miles, ��32.80 (�29.50).

Tariff 2 (the higher rate that applies on Boxing Day and 2 January as well as between midnight and 8 am on any day, all day on Sunday and when five or more passengers are being carried at any time of any day or night in a people carrier or by a converted minibus):- 1 mile, �3.30 (�2.90); 2 miles, �4.80 (�4.30); 3 miles, �6.30 (�5.60); 4 miles, �7.80 (�7); 5 miles, �9.30 (�8.30; 10 miles, �16.80 (�15.10); 15 miles, �24.20 (�21.90); 30 miles, �46.60 (�42.20).

Tariff 3 (the special rate applies on Christmas Day and New Year's Day and when five or more passengers are being carried between midnight and 8 am and all day on Sunday in a people carrier or by a minibus):- 1 mile, �4.30 (�3.80); 2 miles, �6.30 (�5.60); 3 miles, �8.20 (�7.30); 4 miles, �10.20 (�9.10); 5 miles �12.10 (�10.80); 10 miles, �21.90 (�19.60); 15 miles, ��31.70 (�28.40); 30 miles, �61 (�54.80).

Caithness Taxi Firms