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Caithness News Bulletins January 2003

January 2003 Caithness.org News 2002

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22 January 03

The Highland Council has warmly welcomed the Scottish Executive�s decision to extend the use of bilingual Gaelic-English signage on trunk roads in the West Highlands.

Councillor Allan Beaton, Chairman of The Highland Council�s Gaelic Working Group, said: "I welcome the announcement concerning additional bi-lingual signage on some additional trunk roads in the Highlands. This outcome is very welcome and is the culmination of many years of discussion with the Scottish Executive and its predecessors."

He noted that the gateway to the Highlands, via the A 9, was not included on the list of trunk roads able to use bilingual signs and hoped that this might follow in a later phase of approvals.

Councillor Michael Foxley and Lochaber Area Manager John Hutchison raised the issue of Gaelic signage whilst delivering the Highland Gaelic Declaration to the Executive.

He said: "I am delighted that, finally, almost all of the trunk road signage in Lochaber could now use Gaelic. This will help to create a real sense of place on the West Coast."

While the Scottish Executive is responsible for all trunk roads, The Highland Council is responsible for signage on non-trunk roads. Existing Council policy on Gaelic signposting is that bilingual signage is introduced when existing signs require replacement through age or damage. Erection of bilingual signage in a particular locality is subject to public consultation involving community councils.

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