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Caithness News Bulletins January 2003

January 2003 Caithness.org News 2002

Dec 2002

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When The Highland Council sets council house rents for the new financial year on Thursday 13 February, it is being recommended to confirm an average increase of 3.8 %.  This will increase the average weekly rent (over 48 weeks) from �47.98 to �49.80, a rise of  �1.82.

The rise represents the Retail Price Index (RPI) of 2.8%, plus 1% - a formula agreed by the Housing and Social Work Committee in moving from annual to five-year financial plans in the wake of the decision to retain its stock of 16,200 council houses and following consultation with tenant groups.

The formula is consistent with that adopted by many other landlords and is the basis for forecasting rent increases in business plans for both stock retention and Government-supported stock transfers.

The Committee is also recommending that repairs and maintenance on properties be increased by a minimum of 3% in each of the Council's eight areas, rising to a 6.2% increase in Inverness and a 6.7% increase in Sutherland.

The housing budget for 2003-2004 is estimated at �42,975,000.