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Caithness News Bulletins January 2003

January 2003 Caithness.org News 2002

Dec 2002

Front Page Archives

Community groups throughout Caithness are being invited to a meeting next week when an attempt will be made to cultivate interest in promoting civic pride through floral and other activities.

Caithness Floral Activities Working Group, formed by The Highland Councils Caithness Area Committee, has called a public meeting at Watten Hall, Watten, on Tuesday (14 January) commencing at 7.30 pm to identify interest in joint working and to discuss funding opportunities.

The Working Group was formed recently to assist and encourage community groups to develop village/town floral activities.  Chairman Councillor Tom Jackson, Thurso, said: "Caithness communities have a strong sense of civic pride in making their areas more attractive.  Local people are working hard to brighten up towns and villages by providing hanging baskets and other floral displays for the benefit of local residents and tourists. The public meeting aims to bring people together to discuss horticultural matters, to share information and to assist in identifying sources of external funding. We do hope that many interested members of the public will be able to attend."

Councillor Carolyn Wilson, from the Alness Environmental Group, has been invited to share her experiences of the success of "Alness in Bloom". Alness is a model of good practice in environmental improvement, being successful in numerous national and international floral competitions. Councillor Wilson said: This has come about after years of hard work - and real community effort - and has resulted in huge benefits for the town in terms of civic pride and confidence.

For more information please contact Jean Boyle, Caithness Project Officer, Planning and Development Service, The Highland Council, 34A High Street, Wick Tel: 01955 605858
E-mail [email protected]