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Friday (18th) January sees the first major CASE event of the New Year take place at the Assembly Rooms in Wick, appropriately named Skillstream 2002.

Starting at 9am, the event is aimed principally at all businesses in the area, its purpose is to ensure they have access to the best possible information and advice in relation to the skills needs of their businesses and their employees.

A range of speakers will give short presentations throughout the day - each one repeated - allowing businesses to attend at the point of the day which suits them best. Topics will all focus on skills development, but range from the broad-based (The A-Z of Skills) to the specific (E-commerce skills demystified).

As well as the presentations, there will be information stands representing local and national organisations, from the Construction Industry Training Board to the North Highland College and a recent addition to the provision of specialist skills activity in our area, Global Highland.

The formal opening of the event will be conducted by Carroll Buxton, the Chief Executive of Caithness and Sutherland Enterprise, who will also present Modern Apprenticeship Commitment Certificates to businesses in the area who have been consistent supporters and developers of Modern Apprenticeships.

The keynote address will be given by one of our best-known local businessmen, Willie Watt of Halliburton Sub-sea who promises not to pull his punches!

Late afternoon sees an important opportunity for the construction sector to take part in a short session led by David Richard-Jones, Manager Strategic Projects and Sandy MacGillivray of CITB, looking at the opportunities for businesses presented by Dounreay decommissioning and specifically, the skills issues relating to this key sector of the economy.

According to Anne Sutherland, CASE's Head of Skills Development, "All in all, Skillstream will provide a collection of expertise on hand for Caithness and Sutherland businesses to tap into - a day not to missed. If anyone would like more detailed information please contact me on 01847 805204 or email me at [email protected] ."

For further information, please contact:
Angus D Mackay, Chief Executive's Assistant
Tel: 01847 805209
Fax: 01847 893383
[email protected]



To compete successfully in today’s marketplace, ALL businesses need to look to the future - tomorrow’s technology, employee skills, attitudes and methods of training or learning. Join key players from the business and skills worlds in relaxed yet informative surroundings where you can see a wide range of displays, get the latest information on employee development or sit in on the quality presentation of your choice.

9 am - Registration and Welcome (coffee/biscuits)


* The A - Z of Skills (Anne Sutherland, CASE) 9.30am - 10.00am

- do you know your alphabet? 3.30pm - 4.00 pm

* The Qualification Maze (Chris Maythorne, SQA) 9.30am - 10.00am

- are you lost? 3.30pm - 4.00pm

* E-commerce skills demystified (John Stodgell, CASE) 9.30am - 10.00am

- are you bEmused? 3.30pm - 4.00pm

* Qualification Delivery on-line (Kate Tetley, HtF) 10.30am - 11.00pm

- are you connected? (North Highland College) 2.00pm - 2.30pm

* Admin NTO (Karen Rennie CfA) 10.30am - 11.00pm

2.00pm - 2.30pm

* Lifelong Learning (Partnership North) 10.30am - 11.00pm

- is your workforce benefitting? 2.00pm - 2.30pm


11.15 am Formal Opening and Presentation of Modern Apprenticeship Commitment

Certificates (Carroll Buxton, Chief Executive, CASE)

11.30 am Keynote Address - With a Local Focus (William Watt, Halliburton Subsea)

4.30 pm Dounreay Construction Opportunities
 (Neil Money, Director, Strategic Projects)
David Richard-Jones, Manager, Strategic Projects) (Sandy MacGillivray, Area Manager Scotland North, CITB)


Please feel free to dip into any of the presentations which will be delivered at the times stated above. The display stands will be continuously staffed during the day and there will be ample opportunity to browse, to consult experienced personnel, and to network within the business community over a relaxing coffee.