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Caithness Galas Index



Wick Gala 2005
22 July - 30 July 2005
Printable Programme Here

Friday 22 July
6 - 8.00pm
Collect Cans from Assembly Rooms (no cans available on Saturday night)

Saturday 23 July
10.00am  Coffee Morning with childrens's competitions, lego model, drawing or painting, and Scoobie Doo (Fashion Strings), please bring your own materials.  All entries must be made during the coffee morning in Assembly Rooms.
entry Fee £1
10 - 12  2.00 - 4.00pm
See round Isabella Fortuna at South Quay, Wick
10.00 - 12.00
Inter Primary School Football in aid of Liam Henderson Memorial Trust at Upper Bignold Park
Football Match organised by the Liam Henderson Memorial between Wick Select and Newmacher Select at Harmsworth Park
2.00 - 5.00pm Open Art Exhibition organised by Mrs Bunty Gunn in Wick Youth Club
2.00 - 5.00pm
Pilot House open at Braehead
Zenwig Puppets in Market Square (interactive entertainment for children sponsored by Wick Town Events) Children please bring a cushion to sit on. If weather is inclement alternative venue - Wick Assembly Rooms)
Walking entrants to Gala, assemble at front of Boating Shed for judging.
Riverside - Crowning of Gala Queen.  Guest Speaker Professor Ian Scott - Procession of Floats
Assembly Rooms - Presentation of Prizes
Master of Ceremonies - Mr Eric Farquahr

Sunday 24 July
10 - 12  2.00 - 4.00pm
See round Isabella Fortuna at South Quay, Wick
10 - 12.00pm - Car Boot Sale - Assembly Rooms Car Park  £5 Per Table
2.00 - 5.00pm Open Art Exhibition admission £1 conc 50p
2.00 - 5.00pm
Pilot House open at Braehead
Wick Harbour - Blessing of the fleet by Col John Flett, Salvation Army.

Monday 25 July
10 - 12  2.00 - 4.00pm
See round Isabella Fortuna at South Quay, Wick
2.00 - 5.00pm Open Art Exhibition admission £1 conc 50p
2.00 - 5.00pm 6.00pm onwards
Pilot House open at Braehead
Riverside - Children's Cycle Races & Gymkhana
Entry for Gala Week Pool Singles must be done by this time - first prize £100, entry fee £5 at Francis Street Club
Talk by Iain Sutherland in Assembly Rooms, tea and biscuits entry £1 and 50p

Tuesday 26 July
10 - 12  2.00 - 4.00pm
See round Isabella Fortuna at South Quay, Wick
2.00 - 5.00pm Open Art Exhibition admission £1 conc 50p
2.00 - 5.00pm
Pilot House open at Braehead
Assembly Rooms Baby Show - entry Fee £1 admission 50p
Braehead Cghildren's Fancy Dress and Wick Pipe Band
Assembly Rooms whist Drive admission £1
Francis Street Club - Prize Bingo in aid of Christmas Lights

Wednesday 27 July
10 - 12  2.00 - 4.00pm
See round Isabella Fortuna at South Quay, Wick
2.00 - 5.00pm Open Art Exhibition admission £1 conc 50p
2.00 - 5.00pm
Pilot House open at Braehead
Children's Walking Treasure Hunt (all children must be accompanied by an adult) starting from the Baoting shed at Riverside.
Auto test Caithness Car Club 50 years anniversary - Airport
Wick Players - three One Act Plays (A Dog's Life, The Take Over & Roman Fever) tickets from D R Simpson & Polteney News paper shops.
Quiz at Nethercliffe Hotel  - entry fee £1 including supper.
Pipe Band summer Show in Pipe Band Hall
Darts in Francis Street Club (pair competition Colin Perry Memorial Trophy - Prize Pot £100 - entry £6.
Ladies knockout singles £30 Prize pot - entry fee 33

Thursday 28 July
10 - 12  2.00 - 4.00pm
See round Isabella Fortuna at South Quay, Wick
10.00 - 4.00pm
Exhibition by Caithness Quilters in Assembly rooms  - entry fee £1 includes tea and coffee
11.00 - 2.00pm Open Art Exhibition admission £1 conc 50p(all pictures to be collected) at 2.00pm)
2.00 - 5.00pm
Pilot House open at Braehead
Gala Golf Open  Competition at Wick Golf Course
Talent contest - All ages - Assembly Rooms.  3 - 70 yrs in aid of Boys Brigade.  Spectators - admission £1 for adults 50p for children.  entry forms from Francis Street Club and Polteney Newsagents or phone 602877 or 602522

Friday 29 July
10 - 12  2.00 - 4.00pm
See round Isabella Fortuna at South Quay, Wick
2.00 - 5.00pm
Pilot House open at Braehead
Car Treasure Hunt from Assembly rooms - entry fee £5 per car
Showing of the Silver Darlings in Youth Club Hall followed by a ceilidh featuring local artists - entry £3

Saturday 30 July
10 - 12  2.00 - 4.00pm
See round Isabella Fortuna at South Quay, Wick
Mr Boom - Assembly Rooms - Entry fee £2
2.00 - 5.00pm
Pilot House open at Braehead
Fayre in Market Square
Barbecue - Riverside for the kippers
Fireworks & Bonfire  - Riverside

Gala Queen - Ashlie Cormack
Attendants - Caral Simpson and Kimberley Smith
Adam Hill, Kirsteen Bremner, Mary Hart, Kaitlin Risbridger, Hannah Thorburn

Wick Gala Open Golf 2005

Scratch G Steven 72
Handicap B Field (USA) 76 (8) 68 BIH

Cat 1 (0 - 12)
1 D Dunn W 78 910) 68
2 G Gordon Strath 73 (4) 69
R Sutherland W 82 (12 70

Cat 2 (13 - 28)
1 M Morrice W 84 (13) 71 BIH
2 H McLean W 89 (18) 71
A McAllan W 95 (23) 72

Scratch D cormack W 91
H'cap 1 D Macangus W 69
          2 V Balfour W 76 BIH


Gymkhana Results At Bottom Of this Page

Wick Gala Photos

Everyone A Winner At Wick Gala Baby Show

Wick Gala Children's Cycle Races

Wick Gala Queen and Attendants At Cycle Races and Gymkhana
Wick Gala Queen Ashlie Cormack and attendants Carla Simpson and Kimberley Smith were out at two events last night to hand out the prizes.   Monday nights have for along time seen the children's cycle races at the riverside whilst on higher ground the Gala Gymkhana is underway.  As horses and ponies tried out the jumps the kids lower down took part in the fun cycle races.

Wick Gala Gymkhana

Wick Gala Gymkhana

Gala Gymkhana results – 25/7/05 in the Glebe Park, Wick
Beginners Lead Rein Games
Bending race; 1st Morgan Handyside, 2nd Zoe Oag
Ball & cone; 1st Zoe Oag, 2nd Morgan Handyside
Balloon race; 1st Morgan Handyside, 2nd Zoe Oag
Lucky Dip; 1st Zoe Oag, 2nd Lukas Handyside

Lead Rein Games
Bending race; 1st William Bain, 2nd David Thomson, 3rd Faye Arnold, 4th Grace Alexander
Ball & Cone; 1st William Bain, 2nd Faye Arnold, 3rd David Thomson, 4th Grace Alexander
Balloon race; 1st David Thomson, 2nd William Bain, 4th Grace Alexander, 4th Faye Arnold
Dizzy stick; 1st William Bain, 2nd David Thomson, 3rd Faye Arnold, 4th Grace Alexander
Luky Dip; 1st David Thomson, 2nd William Bain, 3rd Faye Arnold, 4th Grace Alexander

Under 12 Games
Bending race; 1st Tess Adamson, 2nd Emma Coghill, 3rd Laura Ramsoy,
Ball & cone; 1st Emma Coghill, 2nd Tess Adamson, 3rd Laura Ramsoy
Balloon; 1st Laura Ramsoy, 2nd Tess Adamson, 3rd Emma Coghill
Flour race; 1st Tess Adamson, 2nd Laura Ramsoy, 3rd Emma Coghill
Fishy race; 1st Tess Adamson, 2nd Emma Coghill, 3rd Laura Ramsoy
Lucky Dip; 1st Tess Adamson, 2nd Laura Ramsoy, 3rd Emma Coghill

Junior Games
Bending race; 1st Dale Coghill, 2nd Megan Ross, 3rd Bronwyn Ross
Ball & Cone; 1st Megan Ross, 2nd Bronwyn Ross, 3rd Dale Coghill
Balloon; 1st Bronwyn Ross, 2nd Dale Coghill, 3rd Megan Ross
Flour race; 1st Megan Ross, 2nd = Dlae Coghill & Bronwyn Ross
Lucky Dip; 1st Megan Ross, 2nd Dale Coghill, 3rd Bronwyn Ross

Senior Games
Bending race; 1st Marion Chretien, 2nd Sammy Taylor, 3rd Ashley Anderson
Ball & cone; 1st Ashley Anderson, 2nd Sammy Taylor, 3rd Marion Chretien
Balloon race; 1st Sammy Taylor, 2nd Marion Chretien, 3rd Ashley Anderson
Flour/lucky dip; 1st Sammy Taylor, 2nd Ashley Anderson, 3rd Marion Chretien
Tennis Ball; 1st Marion Chretien, 2nd Sammy Taylor, 3rd Ashley Anderson

Lead Rein Jumping
1st William Bain, 2nd David Thomson, 3rd Faye Arnold, 4th Grace Alexander

Under 12 Jumping
1st Tess Adamson (Flame), 2nd Tess Adamson (Magpie), 3rd Emma Coghill

Junior Jumping
1st Anne Alexander, 2nd Dale Coghill, 3rd Mey Erridge

Senior Jumping
1st Sammy Taylor, 2nd Ashley Anderson, 3rd Marion Chretien

Wick Gala 2004
Wick Gala 2003 Pictures
Wick Gala 2002
Wick Gala 2001 Pictures
Children's Fancy Dress 2000