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Caithness News Bulletins February 2003

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Deadline Extended Until  Friday 14 March 2003 5 March 03
Do you know anyone aged between 16 and 25 who�s made an outstanding contribution to the community, environment and sport? If so, Whitbread would like to hear from you.

Launched by Whitbread PLC, the UK�s leading leisure company, Whitbread Young Achievers (WYA) is a major new awards scheme celebrating the achievements of young people nationwide. WYA has been launched to recognise and reward outstanding contributions made by young people who�ve really made a difference, with activity that has both benefited their community as well as contributed to their own personal development.

The awards recognise exceptional achievement in three categories: community, environment and sport. The overall winners in each category will each receive �2,500 for personal and project development, �250 in Leisure Vouchers and importantly, 12 months follow up support. Three runners-up in each category will receive �250 and �250 worth of Leisure Vouchers.

Nominations, which can be made by anyone, can be made either via the awards website � www.whitbreadyoungachievers.co.uk - or by post until March 7, 2002. A shortlist of four people in each category will be announced in April, followed by a special awards lunch in London on Wednesday June 11 2003, when the winners in each category will be announced.

The awards are run in association with the Home Office and the National Centre for Volunteering, with support for individual awards from - TGI Friday�s (Whitbread Young Community Achiever), Marriott Hotels (Whitbread Young Environment Achiever) and Sport England (Whitbread Young Sports Achiever). They are a development from the highly successful and prestigious Whitbread Volunteer Action Awards which became known as the Oscars of the volunteering world during the 20 years of their existence.

David Thomas, Whitbread chief executive, said, � The primary aim of our community investment programme is to help young people achieve their potential. Young people are Whitbread�s lifeblood, with tens of thousands of young people working for us, and even more eating in our restaurants, staying in our hotels and working out in our gyms. The more equipped they are to become responsible consumers and employees, the better it is for everyone. �

Jerry Hayes, Head of Community Involvement and Citizenship at the Home Office, said, �It�s increasingly important that we recognize and encourage the fantastic contribution that young people can - and do - make in all these different areas. If you know someone outstanding who deserves to be recognised � just click into www.whitbreadyoungachievers.co.uk and get nominating! "